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Artwise 2 : Visual Arts 7-10

door Glenis Israel

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Artwise 2 Visual Arts 7-10 along with Artwise 1 Visual Arts 7-10 2E, match the Visual Arts 7-10 syllabus requirements in New South Wales while their high quality, full-colour, student-friendly format continues to offer valuable resources for teachers of Visual Arts everywhere. Artwise 2 Visual Arts 7-10 offers the same comprehensive range of features as Artwise 1 Visual Arts 7-10 2E , with a fresh and stimulating selection of over 60 artists and forms. There is a special emphasis on contemporary forms, including examples of contemporary Asian artists, and a section on architecture. Features Features over 80 artists in double-page spreads Explains the frames and forms and introduces students to the agents of the art world (conceptual framework) Guides students in appreciating elements of the artist's practice Provides a model for student writing, under the headings Critical study and Historical study Supports language skills and an understanding of visual arts terminology Offers a range of exercises, including new ICT activities, to stimulate responses to each artwork, inspire students' own artmaking and offer ideas for further library and Internet research.… (meer)
Onlangs toegevoegd doorsmagslibrary, VeronicaCrothers, cdjones
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Artwise 2 Visual Arts 7-10 along with Artwise 1 Visual Arts 7-10 2E, match the Visual Arts 7-10 syllabus requirements in New South Wales while their high quality, full-colour, student-friendly format continues to offer valuable resources for teachers of Visual Arts everywhere. Artwise 2 Visual Arts 7-10 offers the same comprehensive range of features as Artwise 1 Visual Arts 7-10 2E , with a fresh and stimulating selection of over 60 artists and forms. There is a special emphasis on contemporary forms, including examples of contemporary Asian artists, and a section on architecture. Features Features over 80 artists in double-page spreads Explains the frames and forms and introduces students to the agents of the art world (conceptual framework) Guides students in appreciating elements of the artist's practice Provides a model for student writing, under the headings Critical study and Historical study Supports language skills and an understanding of visual arts terminology Offers a range of exercises, including new ICT activities, to stimulate responses to each artwork, inspire students' own artmaking and offer ideas for further library and Internet research.

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