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Teaching Kids Authentic Worship: How to Keep…
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Teaching Kids Authentic Worship: How to Keep Them Close to God for Life (editie 2003)

door Kathleen Chapman

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1091258,462 (3.36)Geen
Many children, as adoring fans, can rattle off all the stats and facts and details about their favorite singer or sports star. Wouldn't it be great if they knew that much about God and were as excited about him? In Teaching Kids Authentic Worship, Kathleen Chapman gives an eye-opening lesson on how worship can spark that kind of enthusiasm. She begins with what it means to truly worship-to focus on God alone. At its core, she says, worship is our recognition of the greatness of God. It is a kind of glue that will effectively lead children into a greater, more permanent love relationship with Jesus. With a contagious enthusiasm of her own, Chapman moves from the "what" of worship to the "how." She includes fifty-two worship moments that help children-and adults-focus exclusively on God and learn about him. These creative moments take the form of singing, hand movements, dance, crafts, games, writing, drama, and more. Teaching Kids Authentic Worship is a necessary resource for every Sunday school teacher, children's church leader, and parent who wants to guide children in making God their greatest hero and lifelong friend.… (meer)
Titel:Teaching Kids Authentic Worship: How to Keep Them Close to God for Life
Auteurs:Kathleen Chapman
Info:Baker Books (2003), Paperback, 192 pages
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek

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Teaching Kids Authentic Worship: How to Keep Them Close to God for Life door Kathleen Chapman

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This book gives you a new perspective on what the word 'worship' means, focusing on children's ministry. Though I didn't agree with everything that was said in this book, I did come away with a better understanding of what 'worship' is, or better, what it isn't. ( )
  AnnaScott | Jan 6, 2007 |
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Many children, as adoring fans, can rattle off all the stats and facts and details about their favorite singer or sports star. Wouldn't it be great if they knew that much about God and were as excited about him? In Teaching Kids Authentic Worship, Kathleen Chapman gives an eye-opening lesson on how worship can spark that kind of enthusiasm. She begins with what it means to truly worship-to focus on God alone. At its core, she says, worship is our recognition of the greatness of God. It is a kind of glue that will effectively lead children into a greater, more permanent love relationship with Jesus. With a contagious enthusiasm of her own, Chapman moves from the "what" of worship to the "how." She includes fifty-two worship moments that help children-and adults-focus exclusively on God and learn about him. These creative moments take the form of singing, hand movements, dance, crafts, games, writing, drama, and more. Teaching Kids Authentic Worship is a necessary resource for every Sunday school teacher, children's church leader, and parent who wants to guide children in making God their greatest hero and lifelong friend.

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