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Pacific Places, Pacific Histories: Essays in Honor of Robert C. Kiste

door Brij V. Lal

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Places matter. We are shaped by them, and in turn we shape them physically and imaginatively. They connect us to time and locality, perhaps even to life and death itself. This is a book about places and how our engagement with them--complex, changing, and varied--forms and transforms our understanding of them, of ourselves, of the human condition itself. Pacific Places, Pacific Histories brings together leading Pacific Islands studies scholars and invites them to talk about the places they have inhabited and to contemplate the meaning of that experience. The result is a veritable collage of reflections, distinct and different from each other but moving in their collective impact. Our engagement with places becomes daily more complicated with the transnational movement of peoples, ideas, technologies, and cultures. Global capitalism relentlessly alters established ethnographic assumptions about the meaning and importance of where we are and have been. The essays presented here are about letting go, learning and un-learning, transgressing physical, emotional, and intellectual boundaries. They are about personal quests, narrated in distinctive voices, raising particular concerns. Together they contribute significantly to our understanding of how small islands in a vast ocean enable us to see ourselves and the world around us.… (meer)
Onlangs toegevoegd doorAlexGolub, lonely_planet
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Places matter. We are shaped by them, and in turn we shape them physically and imaginatively. They connect us to time and locality, perhaps even to life and death itself. This is a book about places and how our engagement with them--complex, changing, and varied--forms and transforms our understanding of them, of ourselves, of the human condition itself. Pacific Places, Pacific Histories brings together leading Pacific Islands studies scholars and invites them to talk about the places they have inhabited and to contemplate the meaning of that experience. The result is a veritable collage of reflections, distinct and different from each other but moving in their collective impact. Our engagement with places becomes daily more complicated with the transnational movement of peoples, ideas, technologies, and cultures. Global capitalism relentlessly alters established ethnographic assumptions about the meaning and importance of where we are and have been. The essays presented here are about letting go, learning and un-learning, transgressing physical, emotional, and intellectual boundaries. They are about personal quests, narrated in distinctive voices, raising particular concerns. Together they contribute significantly to our understanding of how small islands in a vast ocean enable us to see ourselves and the world around us.

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