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Blindman's Bluff: A Decker and Lazarus…
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Blindman's Bluff: A Decker and Lazarus Novel (origineel 2009; editie 2009)

door Faye Kellerman

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8301927,490 (3.6)23
Los Angeles detective Peter Decker tackles a homicide case involving a billionaire real estate developer, his wife, and four employees. While Decker leads his homicide team throughout California and into Mexico, he thinks his own wife is on jury back at the courthouse. But a chance encounter with a court translator who needs her help leads Rina into the heart of the murder investigation, and straight into the path of a gang of ruthless killers.… (meer)
Titel:Blindman's Bluff: A Decker and Lazarus Novel
Auteurs:Faye Kellerman
Info:William Morrow (2009), Edition: First Edition, Hardcover, 400 pages
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek

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De blinde man door Faye Kellerman (2009)

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1-5 van 19 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)
Blindman's Bluff is a good story proving that it takes a very long time to solve a case. Then once the case is solved, there are attorneys who can manipulate the law to their advantage. It is nice to learn here that the good guys did win. Four stars were awarded to this book. The settings and characters were all believable, as well as the story. ( )
  lbswiener | Feb 23, 2023 |
LAPD detective Peter Decker is called in to solve a mass murder centered on a wealthy family, with the family-run real estate business in the center. Peter's wife Rina, on jury duty, is drawn into the fray as a court translator overhears inside information from LA gangbangers. ( )
  skipstern | Jul 11, 2021 |
Decker finds himself in the middle of a murdered family - with the exception of one son - still alive but badly wounded. What makes this so spectacular is that the murder husband and wife are rich, rich and that they had a ton of bodyguards taking care of them. As Decker and his crew are called to investigate, we will find a maze of guilty parties, of people who may be innocent but are not and a family that has more secrets than the Manson family.

This book is a good read, and it is highly focused on the detective work - there are no huge car chases or other surprises that will make this book move at a quicker pace. If you like procedural looks at an investigation then this is a great book to read.
( )
  Carol420 | May 31, 2016 |
In Blindman’s Bluff, an extremely wealthy family is gunned down at their ranch. The son survives but is in serious condition. Peter Decker and his team of detectives are in charge of the case. In addition, a couple of the guards go missing. It’s pretty clear early on that this was an inside job, and the person ultimately responsible is someone who is a member of the family. Decker’s wife gets in the middle of it when a blind man working at the court where she is doing jury duty overhears a couple of gang members talking about what went down. This information and the ridiculous follies of the criminals involved lead Decker to learn who is responsible for the killings.

This was a very ordinary and average mystery novel. There is nothing remotely exceptional about the novel. The worst aspect of the novel was the dialogue. It didn’t sound like actual people talking and sounded very sugary and something out of a day at a Disney theme park. The criminals seemed like a bunch of idiots, making mistake after mistake and not getting simple tasks done. They were built up to be hardcore gangsters, but they were actually depicted as hardcore bozos. Having said that, the novel still had entertainment value and could be read for that.

Carl Alves – author of Conjesero ( )
  Carl_Alves | Apr 16, 2016 |
An inspiring and amazing undersea adventure. Sneaky, sneaky submariners! ( )
  ndpmcIntosh | Mar 21, 2016 |
1-5 van 19 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)
Kellerman invariably rides high in the best-seller lists, and the crime-solving part of "Blindman's Bluff" shows why.
On display is Kellerman's familiar blend of police procedure and domestic bliss among a close-knit Orthodox family that will be sure to please her broad fan base even if it breaks no new ground or the author makes some surprising rookie mistakes.

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Los Angeles detective Peter Decker tackles a homicide case involving a billionaire real estate developer, his wife, and four employees. While Decker leads his homicide team throughout California and into Mexico, he thinks his own wife is on jury back at the courthouse. But a chance encounter with a court translator who needs her help leads Rina into the heart of the murder investigation, and straight into the path of a gang of ruthless killers.

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Gemiddelde: (3.6)
2 8
2.5 6
3 44
3.5 11
4 54
4.5 2
5 17

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