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Sanskrit-Grammatik mit sprachvergleichenden Erläuterungen

door Manfred Mayrhofer

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25Geen945,914 (3.67)Geen
A translation of the revised version of the 1965 German edition   Translated for the benefit of English­speaking students of Sanskrit and students of comparative Indo-European linguistics. Mayrhofer's Sanskrit grammar can be used successfully in three different types of course: in elementary Sanskrit courses along with such an elementary text as Jan Gonda's A Concise Elementary Grammar of the Sanskrit Language, with exercises, reading selections, and a glossary, translated from the German by Gordon B. Ford, Jr.; in courses where the linguistic structure of Sanskrit is to be presented; and, finally, in comparative lndo-European courses together with such texts as Antoine Meillet's Introduction to the Comparative Study of the Inda-European Languages, translated from the French by Gordon B. Ford, Jr. All three groups of students should find this im­portant book extremely useful, and I hope that its publication in an English edition will promote the study of Sanskrit in the English-speaking world.  … (meer)
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A translation of the revised version of the 1965 German edition   Translated for the benefit of English­speaking students of Sanskrit and students of comparative Indo-European linguistics. Mayrhofer's Sanskrit grammar can be used successfully in three different types of course: in elementary Sanskrit courses along with such an elementary text as Jan Gonda's A Concise Elementary Grammar of the Sanskrit Language, with exercises, reading selections, and a glossary, translated from the German by Gordon B. Ford, Jr.; in courses where the linguistic structure of Sanskrit is to be presented; and, finally, in comparative lndo-European courses together with such texts as Antoine Meillet's Introduction to the Comparative Study of the Inda-European Languages, translated from the French by Gordon B. Ford, Jr. All three groups of students should find this im­portant book extremely useful, and I hope that its publication in an English edition will promote the study of Sanskrit in the English-speaking world.  

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