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Listen, Buddy (Laugh-Along Lessons) door…
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Listen, Buddy (Laugh-Along Lessons) (editie 2013)

door Helen Lester (Auteur), Lynn Munsinger (Illustrator)

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1,0991119,191 (3.95)1
A lop-eared rabbit named Buddy finds himself in trouble with the Scruffy Varmint because he never listens.
Titel:Listen, Buddy (Laugh-Along Lessons)
Auteurs:Helen Lester (Auteur)
Andere auteurs:Lynn Munsinger (Illustrator)
Info:Clarion Books (2013), Edition: Illustrated, 32 pages
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek

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Listen, Buddy door Helen Lester

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In Listen Buddy, Helen Lester, teachers her young readers the importance of listening and following directions. In the story Buddy does not listen to his parents. When he doesn't listen Buddy encounters a scary situation and learns the importance of listening. This book's lesson can connect well to the classroom and start classroom discussions on the importance of listening. ( )
  alexaolson | Feb 3, 2020 |
No valid German National Library records retrieved.
  glsottawa | Apr 4, 2018 |
buddy had a hard time listening to the directions and one day he gets terribly lost because of it. so he ends up meeting a horrible monster and gets in trouble because he continues to not listen. he learns his lesson and knows he needs to listen to the directions
1 book
  TUCC | Nov 21, 2016 |
The theme's been done before, but this is an extra funny treatment. ( )
  Cheryl_in_CC_NV | Jun 6, 2016 |
I really enjoy this book. This book is about a bunny named Buddy who has big ears but doesn't use them to their proper advantages. I enjoy the humor in this book. For example, "Buddy's parents sent him to get a basket of squash and he came home with a basket of wash," and, "when they asked him to buy fifteen tomatoes, he came home with fifty potatoes." The illustrations show each scenario and Buddy just looks so pleased with himself and it adds to the humor of the statements. There's also times where his father will ask, "can you bring me a pen?" and the illustration shows Buddy bringing back a hen. Another time was when his mother asked, "will you please bring me a slice of bread?" and the illustration shows Buddy bring back a piece of the bed. I really enjoy the humor the most in this story and I really enjoyed how the illustrations would depict parts of the story without having to say actual words, like the examples given above.

The big message of the story is to always make sure you listen because it can keep you out of trouble. Buddy chose not to listen to his parents, but when he ran into the Scruffy Varmint, he threatened Buddy to use him as soup. Buddy ran back to his house and the story ended with, "When Buddy's parents asked for a pen and a slice of bread, Buddy listened." So from his conflict with the Scruffy Varmint, Buddy learned the importance of listening because if he would have listened to his parents in the beginning when they said go to the left, instead of the right, he never would have had to deal with the Scruffy Varmint. ( )
  LexaGoldbeck | Mar 3, 2015 |
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» Andere auteurs toevoegen (2 mogelijk)

AuteursnaamRolType auteurWerk?Status
Helen Lesterprimaire auteuralle editiesberekend
Munsinger, LynnIllustratorSecundaire auteuralle editiesbevestigd
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A lop-eared rabbit named Buddy finds himself in trouble with the Scruffy Varmint because he never listens.

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Haiku samenvatting

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Gemiddelde: (3.95)
1 2
2 2
3 5
3.5 2
4 15
4.5 2
5 13

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