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The Money Burn

door Tony Foster

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The most daring heist since the Great Train Robbery…a bored, complacent parole officer concocts the perfect crime. His plan is to rob an express train carrying millions of worn paper money on its way to the Treasury for destruction and replacement. No one loses anything. After all it is only paper on its way to a government furnace. Without involving himself directly, he enlists the aid of there of his parolees. Colin McCurdy, and ex-marijuana smuggler and pilot who always seems to be in the wrong place at the wrong time; Charlie Webb, a small-time fight promoter heavily in debt to loan sharks, but willing to give his all to make the biggest score of his life; Penny Warren, a gorgeous blond thirst for revenge against the system that put her away for six years for a crime she didn’t commit. The Money Burn is based on an actual incident that took place in the early 70's. It is an action packed thriller with a bizarre cast of characters and a fast-paced plot that includes double-crosses, love among thieves, police chases, a final shoot-out and a surprise ending.… (meer)
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The most daring heist since the Great Train Robbery…a bored, complacent parole officer concocts the perfect crime. His plan is to rob an express train carrying millions of worn paper money on its way to the Treasury for destruction and replacement. No one loses anything. After all it is only paper on its way to a government furnace. Without involving himself directly, he enlists the aid of there of his parolees. Colin McCurdy, and ex-marijuana smuggler and pilot who always seems to be in the wrong place at the wrong time; Charlie Webb, a small-time fight promoter heavily in debt to loan sharks, but willing to give his all to make the biggest score of his life; Penny Warren, a gorgeous blond thirst for revenge against the system that put her away for six years for a crime she didn’t commit. The Money Burn is based on an actual incident that took place in the early 70's. It is an action packed thriller with a bizarre cast of characters and a fast-paced plot that includes double-crosses, love among thieves, police chases, a final shoot-out and a surprise ending.

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