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Parenting for a Peaceful World door Robin…
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Parenting for a Peaceful World (editie 2005)

door Robin Grille

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782354,363 (4.38)Geen
Parenting for a Peaceful World is a fascinating look at how child-rearing customs have shaped societies and major world events. It reveals how children adapt to and are influenced by different parenting styles and how safeguarding their emotional development is the key to creating a more peaceful, harmonious and sustainable world. Practical advice for raising a well-adjusted child includes tips on: supporting your child's developing emotional intelligence understanding how your childhood has influenced your own emotional make-up helping you achieve your full parenting potential Parenting for a Peaceful World is for parents, child health professionals, teachers, and for adults seeking to heal and grow.… (meer)
Titel:Parenting for a Peaceful World
Auteurs:Robin Grille
Info:Longueville Media (2005), Edition: 1st, Paperback, 428 pages
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek, Favorieten

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Parenting for a Peaceful World door Robin Grille

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Ever wondered why you keep doing something you know is just B-A-A-D for you, and you want desperately to stop and can't?

Ever thought about why you keep prostrating yourself before the alter of someone's approval, and can't see your own self-worth?

Ever considered how adults use power and fear as a method of persuasion to keep kids under control?

What might all that mean for the emotional development of humans as individuals and as a society?

Read this book, well researched, compassionately written, profound in its conclusion and implications. ( )
  Scribble.Orca | Mar 31, 2013 |
Parenting for a Peaceful World is a fascinating look at how child-rearing customs have shaped societies and major world events. It reveals how children adapt to and are influenced by different parenting styles and how safeguarding their emotional development is the key to creating a more peaceful, harmonious, and sustainable world.
Practical advice for raising a well-adjusted child includes tips on:
Supporting your child's developing emotional intelligence
Understanding how your childhood has influenced your own emotional make-up
Helping you achieve your full parenting potential
  HomeBirth | Sep 3, 2014 |
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Parenting for a Peaceful World is a fascinating look at how child-rearing customs have shaped societies and major world events. It reveals how children adapt to and are influenced by different parenting styles and how safeguarding their emotional development is the key to creating a more peaceful, harmonious and sustainable world. Practical advice for raising a well-adjusted child includes tips on: supporting your child's developing emotional intelligence understanding how your childhood has influenced your own emotional make-up helping you achieve your full parenting potential Parenting for a Peaceful World is for parents, child health professionals, teachers, and for adults seeking to heal and grow.

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