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Way Home door George Pelecanos
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Way Home (editie 2009)

door George Pelecanos

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5513045,522 (3.58)48
Fiction. Mystery. HTML:

Christopher Flynn is trying to get it right. After years of trouble and rebellion that enraged his father and nearly cost him his life, he has a steady job in his father's company, he's seriously dating a woman he respects, and, aside from the distrust that lingers in his father's eyes, his mistakes are firmly in the past. One day on the job, Chris and his partner come across a temptation almost too big to resist. Chris does the right thing, but old habits and instincts rise to the surface, threatening this new-found stability with sudden treachery and violence. With his father and his most trusted friends, he takes one last chance to blast past the demons trying to pull him back. Like Richard Price or William Kennedy, Pelecanos pushes his characters to the extremes, their redemption that much sweeter because it is so hard fought. Pelecanos has long been celebrated for his unerring ability to portray the conflicts men feel as they search and struggle for power and love in a world that is often harsh and unforgiving but can ultimately be filled with beauty.

.… (meer)
Titel:Way Home
Auteurs:George Pelecanos
Info:Orion Publishing Ome (2009), Paperback, 320 sidor
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek

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De weg naar huis door George Pelecanos

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1-5 van 30 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)
conventional ( )
  postsign | Dec 28, 2023 |
George Pecanos set this story about some young men struggling with life and adulthood after spending time in a juvenile detention facility. Set in the District of Colombia it is clear that the author knows his turf and describes it well. I like a novel that gives me a view into a place I don't know. ( )
  MMc009 | Jan 30, 2022 |
Taking the synopsis at face value one would assume this was a fast moving tale of robbery and revenge, but as it turns out a fair chunk of it takes place inside a youth offenders' institution, and the main action described on the back cover is confined to the later stages. Not a criticism, but I found it difficult to concentrate in the early stages because of too many characters with names beginning with L or B that I struggled to keep track of. In terms of the incarcerated characters I assumed there were some we were meant to sympathise with and others who were frankly bang to rights, and though there was some handy signalling in this regard, I still had to go back and re-read some sections just to get all the characters straight in my head.

What I admired most about this book was the portrayal of Chris's parents and their dismay at his wayward behaviour. As the parent of a troubled teen (though nowhere near this scale!) I appreciated it and felt it was done well. On the other hand I found the story less dramatic and more plodding than I had hoped at the start. ( )
  jayne_charles | May 11, 2017 |

Redemption...A story of love between a father and son, but a sort of a clunker.

Pelecanos’s fiction has for a while now been decidedly more upbeat, less bleak and, I dare say, a little too predictable.

What's also getting on my nerves is his skewed syntax and more than a few strangely constructed sentences that stand out a mile away. And it's getting more pronounced with each book. Rush jobs for a paycheque?

It was also very preachy (like some of his late books).

While reading the book, I was expecting something to throw me off. Didn't happen. It also did not succeed in creating a memorable world full of interesting characters and a credible story-line.

It was a bit of a bore for me.
( )
  antao | Dec 10, 2016 |
Totally dig this guy ( )
  jimifenway | Feb 2, 2016 |
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No one could say why it was called Pine Ridge.
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Last night I dreamed that I was a child
out where the pines grow wild and tall.
I was trying to make it home through the forest
before the darkness falls

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Fiction. Mystery. HTML:

Christopher Flynn is trying to get it right. After years of trouble and rebellion that enraged his father and nearly cost him his life, he has a steady job in his father's company, he's seriously dating a woman he respects, and, aside from the distrust that lingers in his father's eyes, his mistakes are firmly in the past. One day on the job, Chris and his partner come across a temptation almost too big to resist. Chris does the right thing, but old habits and instincts rise to the surface, threatening this new-found stability with sudden treachery and violence. With his father and his most trusted friends, he takes one last chance to blast past the demons trying to pull him back. Like Richard Price or William Kennedy, Pelecanos pushes his characters to the extremes, their redemption that much sweeter because it is so hard fought. Pelecanos has long been celebrated for his unerring ability to portray the conflicts men feel as they search and struggle for power and love in a world that is often harsh and unforgiving but can ultimately be filled with beauty.


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Gemiddelde: (3.58)
1 1
2 13
2.5 3
3 28
3.5 18
4 48
4.5 4
5 14

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