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And Still They Fly!

door Guido Moosbrugger

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5Geen3,046,135 (3)Geen
When And Yet They Fly! was first introduced more than two years ago, it set the standard for a clear, concise introduction to the extraterrestrial contacts of "Billy" Eduard A. Meier. In simple and easily understood language, author Guido Moosbrugger brings this largely untold story alive with eyewitness accounts, reviews of the scientific evidence and almost 40 color pages of UFO photographs taken between 1975 and 1979. Moosbrugger's extraordinary review takes readers directly into the world of UFOs and paranormal activity, offering an unwavering account of Billy Meier and his life as a contactee, as well as in-depth information on extraterrestrial life, an overview of their technical capabilities and the reasons for visiting earth. It is sufficiently detailed as to satisfy the reader who is contemplating a closer look into the scientific facts of the case or those seeking the most definitive story on Billy Meier and his extraterrestrial contacts. The second edition, entitled And Still They Fly!, was updated and expanded to include a new chapter entitled the Henoch Prophecies. These prophecies were given to Billy on February 28, 1987 and have never before been released to the public! The Henoch Prophecies warn of a looming World War III and mention, by name, the countries that will be involved. With the ever-increasing change in the world situation, these prophecies serve as an urgent appeal for mankind to change our thoughts and actions and avert a worldwide catastrophe. Book jacket.… (meer)
Onlangs toegevoegd doorkslawrence, Gnosis009, Desertcore, TCRP, Granddaughter
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When And Yet They Fly! was first introduced more than two years ago, it set the standard for a clear, concise introduction to the extraterrestrial contacts of "Billy" Eduard A. Meier. In simple and easily understood language, author Guido Moosbrugger brings this largely untold story alive with eyewitness accounts, reviews of the scientific evidence and almost 40 color pages of UFO photographs taken between 1975 and 1979. Moosbrugger's extraordinary review takes readers directly into the world of UFOs and paranormal activity, offering an unwavering account of Billy Meier and his life as a contactee, as well as in-depth information on extraterrestrial life, an overview of their technical capabilities and the reasons for visiting earth. It is sufficiently detailed as to satisfy the reader who is contemplating a closer look into the scientific facts of the case or those seeking the most definitive story on Billy Meier and his extraterrestrial contacts. The second edition, entitled And Still They Fly!, was updated and expanded to include a new chapter entitled the Henoch Prophecies. These prophecies were given to Billy on February 28, 1987 and have never before been released to the public! The Henoch Prophecies warn of a looming World War III and mention, by name, the countries that will be involved. With the ever-increasing change in the world situation, these prophecies serve as an urgent appeal for mankind to change our thoughts and actions and avert a worldwide catastrophe. Book jacket.

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