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The Blue Day Book door Bradley Trevor Greive
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The Blue Day Book (origineel 2000; editie 2000)

door Bradley Trevor Greive

LedenBesprekingenPopulariteitGemiddelde beoordelingAanhalingen
1,4431713,324 (3.82)7
Nineteen years after its first printing, Bradley Trevor Greive's global bestseller The Blue Day Book has become a modern classic and is still bringing smiles to readers around the world. And because we all still have bad days now and then, the time is right for an illustrated edition of this uniquely funny, compassionate book that inspired an entire genre of uplifting gift books. This special edition features stunning new illustrations created by Claire Keane, the artist and animator who created the art for Disney's Frozen. Still included, of course, are the original, warm, supportive messages and humorous insights guaranteed to raise the spirits of anyone feeling down and blue.… (meer)
Titel:The Blue Day Book
Auteurs:Bradley Trevor Greive
Info:Andrews McMeel Publishing (2000), Hardcover, 104 pages
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek

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The Blue Day Book door Bradley Trevor Greive (2000)

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  BooksInMirror | Feb 19, 2024 |
This was cute! The captions made the photos even funnier. It's the kind of book to read once to break out of a reading slump. ( )
  iszevthere | Jul 26, 2022 |
A wonderful book. Great humor used, along with funny animal photos, to give those laboring under depression or just plain old blues a lift. (There is one photo that might be objectionable to some.)
  NAMI_Fairbanks | Jun 30, 2021 |
My mum sent me this book a while back (presumably when I was bitching non-stop about my job), but I’ve only just gotten around to reading it now. It’s pretty cute, and it definitely falls on the silly side of so-called self-help books since it employs the tried-and-true method of pairing amusing animal photos with the text to parlay its advice. I wasn’t sad when I read this book, so I can’t fully judge its validity as a source of cheering up, but I still got a few laughs and that is enough. ( )
  JaimieRiella | Feb 25, 2021 |
I always find something to laugh about when I page through this book. ( )
  JenniferRobb | Jan 17, 2016 |
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» Andere auteurs toevoegen (6 mogelijk)

AuteursnaamRolType auteurWerk?Status
Bradley Trevor Greiveprimaire auteuralle editiesberekend
Blum, MollyÜbersetzerSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd
Kapari, JaanaVertalerSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd

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To my wonderful parents, Fay and Trevor Greive, who never stopped taking me out to see the world even after I was bitten by penguins, twice.
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Everyone has blue days.
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Wikipedia in het Engels (1)

Nineteen years after its first printing, Bradley Trevor Greive's global bestseller The Blue Day Book has become a modern classic and is still bringing smiles to readers around the world. And because we all still have bad days now and then, the time is right for an illustrated edition of this uniquely funny, compassionate book that inspired an entire genre of uplifting gift books. This special edition features stunning new illustrations created by Claire Keane, the artist and animator who created the art for Disney's Frozen. Still included, of course, are the original, warm, supportive messages and humorous insights guaranteed to raise the spirits of anyone feeling down and blue.

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Haiku samenvatting

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Gemiddelde: (3.82)
1 4
2 11
2.5 4
3 52
3.5 5
4 47
4.5 3
5 60

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