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Dragonology: The Complete Book of Dragons…
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Dragonology: The Complete Book of Dragons (Ologies) (origineel 2003; editie 2003)

door Ernest Drake

Reeksen: Ologies (book 1), Dragonology (1)

LedenBesprekingenPopulariteitGemiddelde beoordelingAanhalingen
2,603255,875 (4.06)17
This magical volume presents the long-lost research of 19th-century dragonologist Ernest Drake. Full color.
Titel:Dragonology: The Complete Book of Dragons (Ologies)
Auteurs:Ernest Drake
Info:Candlewick (2003), Hardcover, 32 pages
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek
Trefwoorden:fantasy, dragons

Informatie over het werk

Drakologie : Het Complete Drakenboek door Dugald A. Steer (2003)

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» Zie ook 17 vermeldingen

1-5 van 24 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)
  BooksInMirror | Feb 19, 2024 |
I freakin' loved this book as a kid ( )
  ParenthesisEnjoyer | Dec 11, 2023 |
The Dragonology series was one of my first exposures to these kinds of playful 'guidebooks' and they are instant classics. They were such powerful souvenirs of nostalgia, I had to have my own copies after I graduated HS. These books are definitely marketed for younger audiences- including items within the pages like pull out tabs, maps, 'dragon skin' or 'dragon dust' (nothing but embossed paper with a scale pattern and a sealed bag of glitter) and even the author's report card (You know, to prove his authenticity and expertise in his dragon school). It definitely does the job of getting a kid's imagination stoked the right way. The book acts as both a guide and a workbook, for you to fill in your own answers from your own studies of dragons. It's very engaging and a nice source of entertainment. I know plenty of adults who enjoy these books too- my school librarians were such people. They always supported the idea that you are never too old to grow out of a love of fantasy and be in touch with your inner child from time to time because it is okay to be young at heart. They used this book as a sort of 'coffee table' book for the reading room, and it definitely received plenty of amused eyes on it- from adult to teen. I can't say enough nice things about this book and the Dragonology series. Please give it the love it deserves and check out a copy for yourself.

This is the larger, more ornate version of the Dragonology books. The print quality is both outstanding and appealing- complete with a metallic ink dragon surrounding 3 green 'gems' that appears to be inset on the cover of a mystical tome.

I have generally the same thing to say about the smaller, more compact version of this book: ( )
  am08279 | Oct 31, 2022 |
A whimsical book for sure, the textures and little pop out details are gorgeous. The thick binding grabs your eyes with "Dragon" on the side followed by "ology", any kid who doesn't know the second half of the word, is already pulled in by the first. It's lively within the pretty cover, with many illustrations that leave you reading tiny print details and fiddling with paper flaps that hide secrets. Definitely recommend for kids, it's a keeper! ( )
  Yolken | Nov 6, 2019 |
This series is wonderful, I remember flipping through it with my little cousins, they were in owe when they touched "The Dragon Skin". It's cute to see how much they believed in mythical creatures. ( )
  mrsdanaalbasha | Mar 12, 2016 |
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» Andere auteurs toevoegen

AuteursnaamRolType auteurWerk?Status
Steer, Dugald A.primaire auteuralle editiesbevestigd
Drake, Dr. ErnestAuteurprimaire auteuralle editiesbevestigd
Ward, HelenIllustratorSecundaire auteuralle editiesbevestigd
Anderson, WayneIllustratorSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd
Breck, AslakVertalerSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd
Carrel, DouglasSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd
de Bakker, PietVertalerSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd
Forsey, ChrisCover LineworkSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd
Jacobsen, LeifSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd
Kinnunen, NooraVertalerSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd
Pingault, EmmanuelleIllustrationsSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd
Ta, NghiemSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd

Onderdeel van de reeks(en)

Ologies (book 1)
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Informatie afkomstig uit de Engelse Algemene Kennis. Bewerk om naar jouw taal over te brengen.
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Informatie afkomstig uit de Engelse Algemene Kennis. Bewerk om naar jouw taal over te brengen.
Of all the natural sciences, dragonology is perhaps the most rewarding, being at the same time one of the oldest and the least researched.
Informatie afkomstig uit de Engelse Algemene Kennis. Bewerk om naar jouw taal over te brengen.
No doubt but there is none beeste comparable to the mightie dragon in awesome power and majestie, and few so worthie of the diligent studies of wise men.
—Gildas Magnus, Ars Draconis, 1465
Laatste woorden
Informatie afkomstig uit de Engelse Algemene Kennis. Bewerk om naar jouw taal over te brengen.
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Gangbare DDC/MDS
Canonieke LCC
This magical volume presents the long-lost research of 19th-century dragonologist Ernest Drake. Full color.

Geen bibliotheekbeschrijvingen gevonden.

Haiku samenvatting

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Gemiddelde: (4.06)
1 4
2 12
2.5 1
3 74
3.5 6
4 95
4.5 13
5 127

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