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Costume 1066-1966 door John Peacock
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Costume 1066-1966 (editie 1990)

door John Peacock

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359974,547 (3.32)Geen
Here is the revised, expanded and updated edition of this unrivaled collection of drawings ranging over ten centuries of English historical costume. More than a thousand illustrations, based on surviving garments and contemporary paintings and photographs, demonstrate the astonishing changes in men's and women's clothing over the centuries. The evolution of particular garments can easily be traced, from their origins through their fashionable epochs, to their inevitable demise and resurgence. Designed for quick reference, the book is divided into the reigns of the British monarchs, and the costumes have been chosen to reflect analogous developments in the United States and Europe.… (meer)
Titel:Costume 1066-1966
Auteurs:John Peacock
Info:Thames and Hudson (1990), Paperback
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek, Aan het lezen

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Costume door John Peacock

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Good book for detailing fashion through the ages. Just a shame no colour plates ( )
  LisaBergin | Apr 12, 2023 |
Laurel Love
  PTArts | Oct 6, 2021 |
fantastic reference book for history, but I have knocked off a point because it doesn't have anything on peasants clothing, and the modern (1960's onwards) is just wrong! pen and ink illustrations, no colour. ( )
  lillbjorne | Dec 26, 2015 |
I have a hard time being enthusiastic about this book. It's a collection of hand drawn figures in chronological order to illustrate the evolution of men's and women's fashion over 900 years. My main problem is that ALL of the figures have a distinct 20th century fashion model posture, which distorts the lines of the garments. The pelvic thrust really displays the bias of the artist's timeframe--and not those of the fashions being illustrated. That was not the stance of the 1820s, or the 1540s, for example. And the figures all have tiny, tiny heads, which is more than a little creepy. Go look at original, contemporary sources and skip this book. ( )
1 stem XineGirl | Aug 16, 2011 |
I love this book for an idea of silhouettes and general shape changes. It's also a good place to start with ideas for embellishments, trim styles, etc. Don't buy this as a guide for construction, though, or you'll be disappointed. ( )
  RogueBelle | Jul 10, 2009 |
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Here is the revised, expanded and updated edition of this unrivaled collection of drawings ranging over ten centuries of English historical costume. More than a thousand illustrations, based on surviving garments and contemporary paintings and photographs, demonstrate the astonishing changes in men's and women's clothing over the centuries. The evolution of particular garments can easily be traced, from their origins through their fashionable epochs, to their inevitable demise and resurgence. Designed for quick reference, the book is divided into the reigns of the British monarchs, and the costumes have been chosen to reflect analogous developments in the United States and Europe.

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