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Plotzlich deise Ubersicht

door Peter Fischli

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This little gem is the fourth edition of the catalogue to Suddenly This Overview, the influential Fischli & Weiss exhibition of unfired clay objects which took place in December and January of 1981 and 82. That exhibition represented the first major collaboration between the artists, who have since become two of the most influential figures on the international scene. In this pocket-sized volume, the small, very hand-made-looking clay sculptures are reproduced in low-tech black-and-white and accompanied by the amusing descriptive captions with which they were originally exhibited. Thus a little man on a bicycle comes with the caption, "Dr. Hoffmann on the first LSD trip," while two figures walking along a sidewalk with guitars are described, "Mick Jagger and Brian Jones going home satisfied after composing 'I can't get no satisfaction.'" Classic.… (meer)
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This little gem is the fourth edition of the catalogue to Suddenly This Overview, the influential Fischli & Weiss exhibition of unfired clay objects which took place in December and January of 1981 and 82. That exhibition represented the first major collaboration between the artists, who have since become two of the most influential figures on the international scene. In this pocket-sized volume, the small, very hand-made-looking clay sculptures are reproduced in low-tech black-and-white and accompanied by the amusing descriptive captions with which they were originally exhibited. Thus a little man on a bicycle comes with the caption, "Dr. Hoffmann on the first LSD trip," while two figures walking along a sidewalk with guitars are described, "Mick Jagger and Brian Jones going home satisfied after composing 'I can't get no satisfaction.'" Classic.

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