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Birding in the American West: A Handbook…
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Birding in the American West: A Handbook (Comstock Books) (editie 2000)

door Kevin J. Zimmer (Auteur)

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From the Great Plains to the Arctic tundra, the American West, including Alaska, is home to a stunning variety of birds. This indispensable volume, both a field guide and a site-finding guide, provides an ideal introduction to the pleasures of birding west of the Mississippi. Featuring practical but little-known tips for identifying birds, it will be welcomed by beginning as well as seasoned birders. Birding in the American West: A Handbook *tells where to go, what birds to look for, and how to identify them. *describes the exciting and varied bird habitats found in the West. *is heavily illustrated with drawings and photographs to help birders in the field. *spells out useful techniques for distinguishing among similar-looking species and addresses difficult cases in far greater detail than do standard field guides. *features species accounts with valuable information on bird location, behavior, and field marks. *presents detailed listings by state on where to find birds, with an emphasis on the microhabitats of especially sought-after birds. *teaches bird-finding and bird-identifying skills applicable anywhere.… (meer)
Titel:Birding in the American West: A Handbook (Comstock Books)
Auteurs:Kevin J. Zimmer (Auteur)
Info:Cornell University Press (2000), 416 pages
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek

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Birding in the American West: A Handbook (Comstock Books) door Kevin J. Zimmer

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From the Great Plains to the Arctic tundra, the American West, including Alaska, is home to a stunning variety of birds. This indispensable volume, both a field guide and a site-finding guide, provides an ideal introduction to the pleasures of birding west of the Mississippi. Featuring practical but little-known tips for identifying birds, it will be welcomed by beginning as well as seasoned birders. Birding in the American West: A Handbook *tells where to go, what birds to look for, and how to identify them. *describes the exciting and varied bird habitats found in the West. *is heavily illustrated with drawings and photographs to help birders in the field. *spells out useful techniques for distinguishing among similar-looking species and addresses difficult cases in far greater detail than do standard field guides. *features species accounts with valuable information on bird location, behavior, and field marks. *presents detailed listings by state on where to find birds, with an emphasis on the microhabitats of especially sought-after birds. *teaches bird-finding and bird-identifying skills applicable anywhere.

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