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Redefining Literacy 2.0 door David F.…
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Redefining Literacy 2.0 (editie 2008)

door David F. Warlick

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292839,074 (3.3)Geen
This seminal work on what literacy truly means in the 21st century is filled with big, meaningful ideas. The purpose of this book is not to replace the three Rs, but to expand them to a model for literacy that applies to classrooms which are shape-shifting under the pressures of converging conditions. This is a must-read for all educators - Exposes meaning from global interactive, multimedia, and electronic cybraries- Employs information for solving challenges and constructing information- Express ideas compellingly and fluently through technology to a diverse audienceThis resource features an associated Wiki web page where readers can access presentation slides, links to blog entries about redefining literacy from the edu-blogosphere, online handouts for conference presentations and workshops, various files associated with this book, and regularly updated web links that have started with Redefining Literacy for the 21st Century.… (meer)
Titel:Redefining Literacy 2.0
Auteurs:David F. Warlick
Info:Linworth Publishing (2008), Edition: 2, Paperback, 200 pages
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek

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Redefining Literacy 2.0 door David Franklin Warlick

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What are the 3 E'S? Expose what is true. Employ information and express ideas compellingly. If you've enjoyed Warlick as a keynote speaker or just know him through his 2 Cents Worth blog, this book is worth reading.
  ppleviak | Mar 18, 2010 |
Warlick acknowledges in his introduction that since his first edition published just in 2004, much has changed and developed in the world of information technology. So, while many of the same messages of the original still grace these pages, new examples, ideas, and trends are noted. This is an extremely important book for every teacher librarian to read and think about. What are the expanding ideas about literacy beyond skilled reading and writing? And, how are new technologies foundational in the demands of the flat world that requires new skills to compete successfully on a global stage? What actions can teacher librarians and teacher technologists in addition to other school leaders take to insure that kids are growing up in a changed literacy environment? Even if you have read the previous edition, put this on your professional learning community’s list. Named as one of the best professional books of 2008 by Teacher Librarian.
  davidloertscher | Feb 6, 2009 |
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This seminal work on what literacy truly means in the 21st century is filled with big, meaningful ideas. The purpose of this book is not to replace the three Rs, but to expand them to a model for literacy that applies to classrooms which are shape-shifting under the pressures of converging conditions. This is a must-read for all educators - Exposes meaning from global interactive, multimedia, and electronic cybraries- Employs information for solving challenges and constructing information- Express ideas compellingly and fluently through technology to a diverse audienceThis resource features an associated Wiki web page where readers can access presentation slides, links to blog entries about redefining literacy from the edu-blogosphere, online handouts for conference presentations and workshops, various files associated with this book, and regularly updated web links that have started with Redefining Literacy for the 21st Century.

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