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Creative Colored Pencil Workshop: Exercises for Combining Colored Pencils with Your Favorite Mediums

door Carlynne Hershberger

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29Geen839,074 (3.33)Geen
Take Your Colored Pencils Out of the Box... and Combine the Best of All Mediums! Creative Colored Pencil Workshop is your guide to exploring a new world of artistic possibilities. Following clear, step-by-step demonstrations, you'll try your hand at a range of exciting techniques that blend colored pencils with all kinds of dynamic mediums, Including: Watercolor Gouache Acrylics Ink Graphite Oil pastels Metal leaf More than 25 fun projects show you how to use each medium successfully, while offering in-depth guidance for working with various papers, textures and surfaces. Best of all, this book features the insightful instruction of two accomplished artists who offer different yet effective approaches to colored pencil creations. From highly realistic art to more abstract representations, you'll learn how each medium and technique can accommodate virtually any artistic style or subject. Creative Colored Pencil Workshop gives you the best of both worlds: the fluid spontaneity and speed of mixed media and the control and precision of colored pencils. Mix it up, and see what happens!… (meer)
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Take Your Colored Pencils Out of the Box... and Combine the Best of All Mediums! Creative Colored Pencil Workshop is your guide to exploring a new world of artistic possibilities. Following clear, step-by-step demonstrations, you'll try your hand at a range of exciting techniques that blend colored pencils with all kinds of dynamic mediums, Including: Watercolor Gouache Acrylics Ink Graphite Oil pastels Metal leaf More than 25 fun projects show you how to use each medium successfully, while offering in-depth guidance for working with various papers, textures and surfaces. Best of all, this book features the insightful instruction of two accomplished artists who offer different yet effective approaches to colored pencil creations. From highly realistic art to more abstract representations, you'll learn how each medium and technique can accommodate virtually any artistic style or subject. Creative Colored Pencil Workshop gives you the best of both worlds: the fluid spontaneity and speed of mixed media and the control and precision of colored pencils. Mix it up, and see what happens!

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