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Chew On This: Everything You Don't Want…
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Chew On This: Everything You Don't Want to Know About Fast Food (editie 2007)

door Charles Wilson, Eric Schlosser

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9813322,159 (3.71)8
Health & Fitness. Young Adult Nonfiction. HTML:

Kids love fast food. And the fast food industry definitely loves kids. It couldn't survive without them. Did you know that the biggest toy company in the world is McDonald's? It's true. In fact, one out of every three toys given to a child in the United States each year is from a fast food restaurant.

Not only has fast food reached into the toy industry, it's moving into our schools. One out of every five public schools in the United States now serves brand name fast food. But do kids know what they're eating? Where do fast food hamburgers come from? And what makes those fries taste so good?

When Eric Schlosser's best-selling book, Fast Food Nation, was published for adults in 2001, many called for his groundbreaking insight to be shared with young people. Now Schlosser, along with co-writer Charles Wilson, has investigated the subject further, uncovering new facts children need to know.

In Chew On This, they share with kids the fascinating and sometimes frightening truth about what lurks between those sesame seed buns, what a chicken 'nugget' really is, and how the fast food industry has been feeding off children for generations.

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Titel:Chew On This: Everything You Don't Want to Know About Fast Food
Auteurs:Charles Wilson
Andere auteurs:Eric Schlosser
Info:Houghton Mifflin (2007), Edition: Reprint, Paperback, 318 pages
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek

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Chew on This : Everything You Don't Want to Know about Fast Food door Eric Schlosser

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1-5 van 33 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)
I picked this one up because it's being read by the seventh graders at my sons' school. It's not bad, in that it may open kids eyes to some of the harms of processed foods and the fast food industry. It leaned a little too anti-corporate for my taste. I'm not sure what the age recommendation is on this, but if I were a parent giving it to a younger child to read, I would want to know that it does have some references to Santa as a fictional character. Maybe most kids (but probably not all) old enough to read this would not be affected by that. ( )
  CarolHicksCase | Mar 12, 2023 |

Have I heard this before? I wonder how much material was borrowed from Fast Food Nation? I liked that book a lot more - but that was a different time and perhaps, I saw the material for the first time there.

In any case, if you haven't read Fast Food Nation and eat fast food, you should take a gander at this book. Cheap fast food is not cheap nor really food - it is fast though. The cost will hit you in the waistline or the environment. And food only in the sense that you can eat it but it really more chemicals with flavors that mimic food.

Somewhere from these type of books, I learned that eating can be an experience - not just a mindless act of putting things in your stomach. Try to experience food. It'll do your body and soul good. ( )
  wellington299 | Feb 19, 2022 |
Best up front book about food! You should really read it like right now! ( )
  christopher.kyle1706 | Dec 8, 2016 |
The book, "Chew On This." by Eric Schlosser and Charlie Wilson is about all the things that fast food and junk food/drinks do. At the beginning they talk about how most of the popular foods were made or how the restaurants started. In this book you also learn how fast food owners made more people come to their restaurant. In the middle of the book you learn about how schools offer unhealthy fast food and how the Eskimo's are getting baby bottle syndrome. In this book you learn about how young (still growing) kids need to get up early and stay late for restaurants to give them minimum wage. At the end of the book you learn how animals are treated in the slaughter house. To finish off this book they talked about how the fast foods restaurants are going everywhere around the world and how the amount of obese people is growing.

I rated this book 1 and 1/2 stars because I didn't really learn anything new. One thing I did learn though is that the first hamburger was compressed meat balls. I would recommend this book to people that like knowing the origins of fast food restaurants. I would recommend this book to people who don't know what the ingredients of the fast food restaurant's food. I would recommend this to people if they need a short and enjoyable book. I liked this book because it taught me some things I didn't know. I would read another one of their books if I knew one. ( )
  JettJ.G1 | Apr 23, 2016 |
Frames the rise and popularity of fast food restaurants within its most problematic aspects: low wages, destruction of family-owned farms, inhumane treatment of animals, foodborne illness, obesity, and widespread marketing to children.
  Salsabrarian | Feb 2, 2016 |
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Schlosser, Ericprimaire auteuralle editiesbevestigd
Wilson, Charlesprimaire auteuralle editiesbevestigd
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Health & Fitness. Young Adult Nonfiction. HTML:

Kids love fast food. And the fast food industry definitely loves kids. It couldn't survive without them. Did you know that the biggest toy company in the world is McDonald's? It's true. In fact, one out of every three toys given to a child in the United States each year is from a fast food restaurant.

Not only has fast food reached into the toy industry, it's moving into our schools. One out of every five public schools in the United States now serves brand name fast food. But do kids know what they're eating? Where do fast food hamburgers come from? And what makes those fries taste so good?

When Eric Schlosser's best-selling book, Fast Food Nation, was published for adults in 2001, many called for his groundbreaking insight to be shared with young people. Now Schlosser, along with co-writer Charles Wilson, has investigated the subject further, uncovering new facts children need to know.

In Chew On This, they share with kids the fascinating and sometimes frightening truth about what lurks between those sesame seed buns, what a chicken 'nugget' really is, and how the fast food industry has been feeding off children for generations.


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2.5 1
3 31
3.5 7
4 47
4.5 3
5 25

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