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Goodnight NOLA door Cornell P. Landry
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Goodnight NOLA (editie 2009)

door Cornell P. Landry (Auteur)

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9426297,778 (4.5)1
Goodnight NOLA" is a lovable tribute to things unique to New Orleans. People of all ages will enjoy this rhythmic salute to red beans and rice, po'boys, celebrated chefs, music, historic landmarks, the sporting scene and many other features of the Crescent City.
Titel:Goodnight NOLA
Auteurs:Cornell P. Landry (Auteur)
Info:Ampersand, Inc. (2009), Edition: First, 36 pages
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek, Aan het lezen

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Goodnight NOLA door Cornell P. Landry

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1-5 van 26 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)
Goodnight NOLA is an easy level book that states that it is "An Endearing Bedtime Book for All Ages". It is a book for all ethnicities, classes, and genders. I believe for reading purposes it is an k-3 level book. There are words that will be hard for reading beginners. The names of products and of businesses might have to be explained to younger audiences. The pictures showing the landmark and iconic images that are synonymous with the culture, rich flavor, products of New Orleans are nicely illustrate the things people love about New Orleans. The only part of the book that shows that things change over time is that it lists "The Hornets" as the basketball team which is no longer here. ( )
  asburns | Aug 19, 2019 |
This book just about sums up the city of New Orleans. Goodnight NOLA pays homage to the city's food, music, historical landmarks, and athletic teams. I think a tourist should definitely buy this for a kid instead of a t-shirt. ( )
  JazHall123 | Apr 29, 2019 |
I absolutely loved Goodnight NOLA ! This would be a great book to read to children that lives in New Orleans getting ready for bed. This book says goodnight to all of the New Orleans related items seen on a daily basis. The illustrations throughout this book is phenomenal. ( )
  RoshaBaptiste | Apr 25, 2019 |
A simple but graciously explained poem of New Orleans and all its lovely qualities. This poem is rhyming and is set in New Orleans. The poem really flowed. If I was someone who was not from New Orleans, I would curious of all the characteristics they mentioned. They talked about the food, major landmarks, and artifacts. ( )
  mcsuane | Nov 16, 2017 |
A twist to the classic Goodnight Moon. I loved this story most lithely because every night as a child before bed I red Goodnight Mood and now it's a story about my town. However, this would not be a book I read to young children who are not from New Orleans/Louisiana because they would not understand some of the phrases we use. It is a fun easy bedtime story for children and I recommend it to anyone that has sense of NOLA. ( )
  Phallan | Apr 11, 2017 |
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Goodnight NOLA" is a lovable tribute to things unique to New Orleans. People of all ages will enjoy this rhythmic salute to red beans and rice, po'boys, celebrated chefs, music, historic landmarks, the sporting scene and many other features of the Crescent City.

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4 4
4.5 2
5 19

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