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Hovering at a Low Altitude: The Collected Poetry of Dahlia Ravikovitch

door Dahlia Ravikovitch

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29Geen839,074 (3.5)Geen
In poems about fathers and daughters, men and women, kings and their subjects, the precarious position of women and the plight of Palestinians under the Occupation, Dahlia Ravikovitch articulates the painful asymmetries of power. The extraordinary stylistic range of her poetry reveals her mastery of the verbal art. from Clockwork Doll I was a clockwork doll, but then That night I turned round and around And fell on my face, cracked on the ground, And they tried to piece me together again. Then once more I was a proper doll And all my manner was nice and polite. But I became damaged goods that night, A fractured twig posed for a fall.… (meer)
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Ravikovitch (1936-2005) is not only one of the towering figures of 20th-century Israeli poetry, but also one of the strongest female poets in the history of Hebrew verse...The layers of Ravikovitch's battles, references and conversations are housed well in this physically beautiful volume... I hope the presentation helps bring Ravikovitch to the attention of the English-reading world, giving her the global audience she deserves.
toegevoegd door SqueakyChu | bewerkThe Jerusalem Post, Aviva Kushner (Jul 30, 2009)
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In poems about fathers and daughters, men and women, kings and their subjects, the precarious position of women and the plight of Palestinians under the Occupation, Dahlia Ravikovitch articulates the painful asymmetries of power. The extraordinary stylistic range of her poetry reveals her mastery of the verbal art. from Clockwork Doll I was a clockwork doll, but then That night I turned round and around And fell on my face, cracked on the ground, And they tried to piece me together again. Then once more I was a proper doll And all my manner was nice and polite. But I became damaged goods that night, A fractured twig posed for a fall.

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Gemiddelde: (3.5)
3.5 1

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