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Wild Thunder (The Wild Series Book 2) door…
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Wild Thunder (The Wild Series Book 2) (editie 2015)

door Cassie Edwards (Auteur)

Reeksen: Wild Tribes (2)

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Fiction. Romance. Western. Historical Fiction. HTML:

Danger and passion bring a rancher's sister together with a Native American warrior in this historical romance by the New York Times bestselling author.
Hannah Kody came to her brother's ranch in the Kansas Territory to be his eyes, as his sight was failing fast. Yet his misfortune couldn't dim the joy she found in the beautiful Western plainsā??or the excitement she felt in the presence of Strong Wolf. The future chief of the Patawatomis stood tall and proud, and Hannah dreamed she had traveled there to meet him . . .
But for Strong Wolf, Hannah was supposed to be the enemy, allied not only to the settlers he distrusted, but to the brutal foreman of her brother's ranch. He felt only sorrow could come of their attraction, until the day Hannah rode to his lodge, fell into his arms, and began a journey neither had the desire to deny . . .… (meer)

Titel:Wild Thunder (The Wild Series Book 2)
Auteurs:Cassie Edwards (Auteur)
Info:Zebra Books (2015), Edition: Reissue, 365 pages
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek
Trefwoorden:1850s, Indians, married Indian, evil foreman, blind brother, dynamite

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Wild Thunder door Cassie Edwards

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Wild Thunder by Cassie Edwards is a 2015 Kensington publication. I was provided a copy of this book by the publisher and Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

Hannah is sent to live with her brother Chuck, on his ranch in the Kansas territory, when he learns he is losing his eyesight. Upon her arrival, Hannah meets a handsome, dark-eyed ā€œIndianā€ named Strong Wolf and the two feel an instant attraction. But, naturally, with Hannah being white and with racism and tensions all around, and with Hannah's duty to stay by her brother's side as he fights for his livelihood, the romance seems doomed from the start. Can true love find a way or will the trials they face overcome them?

First of all let's talk about the elephant in the room, then I will give my assessment of the book.

For those who are unfamiliar with this author, there was a snafu regarding some allegations of plagiarism several years back. I doubt seriously this book was one of those called out because I would think no one would want all that history dredged back up with these reissues. It did not escape my attention that on Goodreads, great pains have been taken to remove all previous editions of the book from their catalog, which is rather curious, though. I don't really understand all the accusations, but it would seem the author 'borrowed' some passages without asking permission or giving credit for them, which of course is a big, bad no-no. However, I had no crisis of conscience reading this one since I am sure all the legal issues have long since been cleared up and a publisher is backing it.

I love the idea of these older titles being reissued in digital format for many reasons. One is, I often think of a book I read many years ago and discover it's out of print or very hard to find. Having a book in digital means I can read old favorites and never have to worry about hunting them down again. The other reason, is that many times these stories are timeless and are just as good today as they were back when they were originally published, which paves the way for these great stories to find a new audience, keeping them alive and relevant, even after all these years. I have actually carved out a niche for myself by reviewing these older titles and I love it!

Having said that, not all books translate well for new readers and this one, sadly, was just a little too dated. The dialogue was cheesy to the point of being laugh out loud funny in places, which of course was not the intention. There were some moments too, that were interesting and engaging. I did like the love story and I know that for modern readers they will find the love at first sight trope difficult to fathom or relate to, but it was rather common in historical times for a couple to meet and marry in short order. But, I did like the sensuality and Strong Wolf was romantic, even it does seem corny, because feelings were involved, which is more my speed and is an element I really miss in modern romance. The action was what saved the book, because the story does move at a steady to fast pace with the lovers being torn apart and brought back together several times, which is another common trope for books published in this time frame.
Overall, this book would have been pretty common fare in the mid-nineties, and probably sold well and was probably very popular. But, for the modern reader, I think, it will most likely fall flat. 2 stars ( )
  gpangel | Jul 26, 2015 |
Western Indian Romance

Hannah Kody is a fiercely independent 18-year-old tomboy that is tall and lanky. Hannah does not consider herself a beauty. She craves freedom and wants to control her own destiny without parental or sibling interference. Trying to tame her nature, her parents placed her in a nunnery. Plotting to return home, her parents arrive to send Hannah to her brother, Chuck. Hannah needs to be his eyes, he is going blind on his ranch in the Kansas territory. Kansas represents freedom to Hannah, to ride as wild as the wind and do as she pleases. Chuck's ranch borders the Potawatomis Indian Village; Hannah is fascinated by the thought of the Indian People. When Strong Wolf arrives at the ranch, Hannah sees a muscular, strong, handsome warrior who is next in line to be Chief. Attraction strikes at once. Tiny, Chucks foreman is pure evil and will not stop until he runs the Indians off their land and take Chuck's ranch as well. Strong Wolf has secrets and another enemy in a Sioux warrior seeking revenge for his father death. Thus begins the tale of Strong Wolf and Hannah. Ms. Edwards has created a story filled with strife, family and tribal love, prejudice, evil men with evil intentions, revenge, a strong hero and heroine in Strong Wolf and Hannah, and red-hot passion. The trials of the Potawatomis just keep coming in this story, Ms. Edwards has filled this story with trials and tribulations for Strong Wolf and Hannah. The action is non-stop. Thru it all the one constant is the love between Strong Wolf and Hannah. Ms. Edwards gave us a look into the tribal life of the Potawatomis Indians and into the family structure and traditions which was enlightening.

I would recommend this book for young adults to adults due to sexual content.

I received a copy of this from the publisher and Netgalley in return for an honest review. ( )
  vera_mallard | Jul 9, 2015 |
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Fiction. Romance. Western. Historical Fiction. HTML:

Danger and passion bring a rancher's sister together with a Native American warrior in this historical romance by the New York Times bestselling author.
Hannah Kody came to her brother's ranch in the Kansas Territory to be his eyes, as his sight was failing fast. Yet his misfortune couldn't dim the joy she found in the beautiful Western plainsā??or the excitement she felt in the presence of Strong Wolf. The future chief of the Patawatomis stood tall and proud, and Hannah dreamed she had traveled there to meet him . . .
But for Strong Wolf, Hannah was supposed to be the enemy, allied not only to the settlers he distrusted, but to the brutal foreman of her brother's ranch. He felt only sorrow could come of their attraction, until the day Hannah rode to his lodge, fell into his arms, and began a journey neither had the desire to deny . . .

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