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Murder by the Book (A Nero Wolfe Mystery 19)…
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Murder by the Book (A Nero Wolfe Mystery 19) (origineel 1951; editie 2010)

door Rex Stout (Auteur)

Reeksen: Nero Wolfe (19)

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8662026,019 (3.88)64
Fiction. Mystery. Suspense. Thriller. HTML:“It is always a treat to read a Nero Wolfe mystery. The man has entered our folklore.”—The New York Times Book Review

Introduction by David Handler
It wasn’t Leonard Dykes’s writing style that offended. But something in his unpublished tome seemed to lead everyone who read it to a very unhappy ending. Now four people are dead, including the unfortunate author himself, and the police think Nero Wolfe is the only man who can close the book on this novel killer. So the genius sleuth directs his sidekick to set a trap . . . and discovers that the truth is far stranger—and far bloodier—than fiction.
A grand master of the form, Rex Stout is one of America’s greatest mystery writers, and his literary creation Nero Wolfe is one of the greatest fictional detectives of all time. Together, Stout and Wolfe have entertained—and puzzled—millions of mystery fans around the world. Now, with his perambulatory man-about-town, Archie Goodwin, the arrogant, gourmandizing, sedentary sleuth is back in the original seventy-three cases of crime and detection written by the inimitable master himself, Rex Stout.
… (meer)
Titel:Murder by the Book (A Nero Wolfe Mystery 19)
Auteurs:Rex Stout (Auteur)
Info:Bantam (2010), 258 pages
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek

Informatie over het werk

Het Noodlottige Manuscript door Rex Stout (1951)

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This is one of those cases where the phrase, "to each, his own" applies. ( )
  Kim.Sasso | Aug 27, 2023 |
Very good full length mystery. I didn't have any idea of who the guilty party was until Wolfe does his big reveal at the end & Archie was in fine form. ( )
  leslie.98 | Jun 27, 2023 |
Solid and rather subtle mystery, involving a series of murders tied to a mysterious, unpublished manuscript. Stout plays fair, by very clearly showing the fatal flaw in the killer's plan; it takes sharp eyes and reasoning (which I didn't have) to make the connection and show what something purports to be, is not. It is slow in the middle, with an over-extended party sequence, but there's much to like otherwise. ( )
  EricCostello | Apr 26, 2023 |
I thoroughly enjoyed this Nero Wolfe story with Archie Goodwin narrating and doing al of the actual investigating. In this case, three people who are connected to an unpublished manuscript have been murdered and Wolf and Archie are trying to determine why. ( )
  DrApple | Jan 26, 2023 |
  laplantelibrary | Apr 9, 2022 |
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» Andere auteurs toevoegen (2 mogelijk)

AuteursnaamRolType auteurWerk?Status
Stout, Rexprimaire auteuralle editiesbevestigd
Handler, DavidIntroductieSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd
Prichard, MichaelVertellerSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd

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Fiction. Mystery. Suspense. Thriller. HTML:“It is always a treat to read a Nero Wolfe mystery. The man has entered our folklore.”—The New York Times Book Review

Introduction by David Handler
It wasn’t Leonard Dykes’s writing style that offended. But something in his unpublished tome seemed to lead everyone who read it to a very unhappy ending. Now four people are dead, including the unfortunate author himself, and the police think Nero Wolfe is the only man who can close the book on this novel killer. So the genius sleuth directs his sidekick to set a trap . . . and discovers that the truth is far stranger—and far bloodier—than fiction.
A grand master of the form, Rex Stout is one of America’s greatest mystery writers, and his literary creation Nero Wolfe is one of the greatest fictional detectives of all time. Together, Stout and Wolfe have entertained—and puzzled—millions of mystery fans around the world. Now, with his perambulatory man-about-town, Archie Goodwin, the arrogant, gourmandizing, sedentary sleuth is back in the original seventy-three cases of crime and detection written by the inimitable master himself, Rex Stout.

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Nagelaten Bibliotheek: Rex Stout

Rex Stout heeft een Nagelaten Bibliotheek. Nagelaten Bibliotheken zijn de persoonlijke bibliotheken van beroemde lezers, ingevoerd door LibraryThing leden uit de Nagelaten Bibliotheken groep.

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Gemiddelde: (3.88)
1 2
2 3
2.5 3
3 33
3.5 15
4 71
4.5 5
5 35


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