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American on Purpose (2009)

door Craig Ferguson

LedenBesprekingenPopulariteitGemiddelde beoordelingAanhalingen
1,2025917,015 (3.92)103
In American on Purpose, Craig Ferguson delivers a moving and achingly funny memoir of living the American dream as he journeys from the mean streets of Glasgow, Scotland, to the comedic promised land of Hollywood. Along the way he stumbles through several attempts to make his mark-as a punk rock musician, a construction worker, a bouncer, and, tragically, a modern dancer. To numb the pain of failure, Ferguson found comfort in drugs and alcohol, addictions that eventually led to an aborted suicide attempt. (He forgot to do it when someone offered him a glass of sherry.) But his story has a happy ending: in 1993, the washed-up Ferguson washed up in the United States. Finally sober, Ferguson landed a breakthrough part on the hit sitcom The Drew Carey Show, a success that eventually led to his role as the host of CBS's The Late Late Show. By far Ferguson's greatest triumph was his decision to become a U.S. citizen, a milestone he achieved in early 2008, just before his command performance for the president at the White House Correspondents' Association Dinner. In American on Purpose, Craig Ferguson talks a red, white, and blue streak about everything our Founding Fathers feared.… (meer)
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1-5 van 59 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)
Oddly, this book does not benefit from being read by the author. ( )
  Dorothy2012 | Apr 22, 2024 |
This is a literary slideshow through the author's life. It shows some nice photos and some nasty ones, all of them commented with witty and self-deprecating humor. I wish we could stop and go deeper with a few ones, but the author allows just a glance and pushes forward...

I have serious doubts if this book was written for readers, it feels like it was written more for the author. It gives him a chance to appreciate everyone who supported, inspired, or influenced him. I mean EVERYONE, even nameless drunkards that happened to be in a right place and time. There are numerous short episodes in this book that could've been cut out as they are not really interesting or meaningful for the whole arc... but I believe there were kept to not miss any character that shaped Craig into a person who he is now.

If you've ever watched the Late Late Show, you'll get exactly the kind of humor you'd expect. It's light, funny, and can unexpectedly turn very dark and serious... for a moment. It helps to go softly through the trauma of poverty, alcoholism, drug addiction, personal and professional failures, keeping them all at a distance for most of the time. I liked the short serious bits that felt more sincere and I wish they were longer.

Overall, it's a good book. There are some laughing-out-loud funny moments and some painful ones as well. I recommend the audiobook read by the author for an extra dose of Scottish accent and authenticity. ( )
  sperzdechly | Jan 1, 2024 |
I am not going to make a claim that this is high art but was a great read. His life was interesting and I admit to seeing some of the struggles of my life in his book. I have of course not dealt with them quite as spectacularly as he has. ( )
  cdaley | Nov 2, 2023 |
When I started reading "American on Purpose" I didn't really know what it was about, I only knew it was written by Craig Ferguson who I really like.
Reading about Craig's childhood and rise to where he is today was fascinating and inspiring.
I really enjoyed reading this book and highly recommend it to any Ferguson fan! ( )
  Tom.Morrison | Nov 1, 2023 |
Was enjoyable enough. I like Craig Ferguson to begin with and it allowed me to learn a little more about him. ( )
  dendorf | Sep 30, 2023 |
1-5 van 59 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)
Ferguson admirably avoids wisecracks and instead goes for something like wisdom.
Ferguson [is] a fine writer — witty, reflective and candid.
toegevoegd door Shortride | bewerkAssociated Press, Frasier Moore (Sep 14, 2009)
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Wikipedia in het Engels (4)

In American on Purpose, Craig Ferguson delivers a moving and achingly funny memoir of living the American dream as he journeys from the mean streets of Glasgow, Scotland, to the comedic promised land of Hollywood. Along the way he stumbles through several attempts to make his mark-as a punk rock musician, a construction worker, a bouncer, and, tragically, a modern dancer. To numb the pain of failure, Ferguson found comfort in drugs and alcohol, addictions that eventually led to an aborted suicide attempt. (He forgot to do it when someone offered him a glass of sherry.) But his story has a happy ending: in 1993, the washed-up Ferguson washed up in the United States. Finally sober, Ferguson landed a breakthrough part on the hit sitcom The Drew Carey Show, a success that eventually led to his role as the host of CBS's The Late Late Show. By far Ferguson's greatest triumph was his decision to become a U.S. citizen, a milestone he achieved in early 2008, just before his command performance for the president at the White House Correspondents' Association Dinner. In American on Purpose, Craig Ferguson talks a red, white, and blue streak about everything our Founding Fathers feared.

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Gemiddelde: (3.92)
1 1
2 14
2.5 2
3 71
3.5 26
4 156
4.5 11
5 85

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