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The Shrivers' Story door Nancie W. Gudmestad
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The Shrivers' Story (editie 2009)

door Nancie W. Gudmestad (Auteur)

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23Geen1,011,088 (3.13)Geen
The Shrivers¿ Story: Eyewitnesses to the Battle of Gettysburg is the true story of one family who called Gettysburg ¿home¿ in 1863. It depicts how not only the Battle of Gettysburg but the Civil War itself dramatically changed the Shrivers¿ lives forever. The story of George and Hettie Shriver, although certainly fascinating and unique in its own way, is typical of the average Gettysburg citizen¿s, and by extension, provides a fuller picture of the overall civilian experience itself. The Shrivers¿ were a young family with hopes and dreams common to most young families then and now. They dreamed of peace and prosperity, of a safe place in which to raise their family, and for success in their economic endeavors. But the Shrivers¿ expectations were abruptly interrupted by the coming of the Civil War and by one of the most significant battles of that war. Afterwards, the world as they knew it would never be quite the same. The Shrivers¿ Story is the story of a house and a home, of family and friends, of expectant dreams and intruding realities, of citizens in a time of peace and civilians in a time of war. The dramatic and moving story of George and Hettie Shriver and their daughters, Sadie (7) and Mollie (5), describes their experiences during the Civil War, and more specifically, the Battle of Gettysburg. In addition the book details how the Shriver House Museum originated as well as the trials and tribulations encountered during the restoration of the Shrivers¿ home.… (meer)
Titel:The Shrivers' Story
Auteurs:Nancie W. Gudmestad (Auteur)
Info:The Shriver House Museum (2009)
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek

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The Shrivers' Story door Nancie W Gudmestad (Author)

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The Shrivers¿ Story: Eyewitnesses to the Battle of Gettysburg is the true story of one family who called Gettysburg ¿home¿ in 1863. It depicts how not only the Battle of Gettysburg but the Civil War itself dramatically changed the Shrivers¿ lives forever. The story of George and Hettie Shriver, although certainly fascinating and unique in its own way, is typical of the average Gettysburg citizen¿s, and by extension, provides a fuller picture of the overall civilian experience itself. The Shrivers¿ were a young family with hopes and dreams common to most young families then and now. They dreamed of peace and prosperity, of a safe place in which to raise their family, and for success in their economic endeavors. But the Shrivers¿ expectations were abruptly interrupted by the coming of the Civil War and by one of the most significant battles of that war. Afterwards, the world as they knew it would never be quite the same. The Shrivers¿ Story is the story of a house and a home, of family and friends, of expectant dreams and intruding realities, of citizens in a time of peace and civilians in a time of war. The dramatic and moving story of George and Hettie Shriver and their daughters, Sadie (7) and Mollie (5), describes their experiences during the Civil War, and more specifically, the Battle of Gettysburg. In addition the book details how the Shriver House Museum originated as well as the trials and tribulations encountered during the restoration of the Shrivers¿ home.

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