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Froggy's Day With Dad door Jonathan London
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Froggy's Day With Dad (editie 2006)

door Jonathan London, Frank Remkiewicz (Illustrator)

Reeksen: Froggy

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Froggy and his dad celebrate Father's Day with a game of miniature golf, among other things.
Titel:Froggy's Day With Dad
Auteurs:Jonathan London
Andere auteurs:Frank Remkiewicz (Illustrator)
Info:Puffin (2006), Paperback, 32 pages
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek

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Froggy's Day with Dad door Jonathan London

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This is a primary level book that is for the kids that want a quick laugh. Froggy goes out to play mini golf with his dad for the first time. He has no idea what he is doing but makes a hole-in-one on his first ever shot. Then he hits his dad on the head on his second shot. He then gives his dad a fathers day mug when they get home to tell him happy fathers day. ( )
  cdtjomiller | Feb 1, 2021 |
Froggy plans a special Father's Day for his dad.....Just he and his dad ALL DAY
  CECC9 | Apr 22, 2018 |
Meh. I liked the running theme that Froggy means well but is too young & self-centered (yes, I know those are synonymous with most kids) to think things through, and to consider other perspectives. This is exemplified at the end, when Froggy gives Dad a mug on which he wrote To the Best Dad I Ever Had." (get it?)

But I don't like the cartoons, and I, personally, don't like the 'flip-flop, zoom, zat' effects (in this book - they have their place in other books). And I have to strongly object to the portrayal of mini-golf - do *not* raise the club above your waist, do *not* enter the water, do *not* cause harm to other players! I love the casual fun of the activity and if I was on the course with the Frogs I would have reported them to staff.

" ( )
  Cheryl_in_CC_NV | Jun 6, 2016 |
I liked this book for two reasons. One, I liked the style of writing and text features. The text would get bigger when Froggy or his dad were yelling. There would be extra letters if a word was elongated. The print features helped make it more fun to read. Next, I liked the plot. It was a sweet story about Froggy wanting to spend time with his dad on Father’s Day, but they end up doing all things that Froggy wants to do. In the end, they both still end up having a great day. The big idea of this story is to show the value of a father and son spending quality time together. ( )
  jdobso4 | Nov 12, 2013 |
The ranine hero of Jonathan London and Frank Remkiewicz' long-running picture-book series sets out to give his dad a Father's Day he will never forget in this amusing tale - and does he ever succeed! Gourmet breakfast-in-bed, complete with crunchy egg-shell-laden eggs; plenty of fun and games at the amusement park, including a number of mishaps involving objects landing on Dad's hapless head and feet; and a return home, where a special gift is waiting - what could be better? In the end, nothing could be better, because, although this frog might be prone to accidents, he also is part of a truly loving father-son relationship.

Chosen as one of our June selections, in The Picture-Book Club to which I belong, where our theme this month is "fathers," Froggy's Day With Dad is only the second Froggy book I have read, after picking up the initial entry in the series, Froggy Gets Dressed, last June. I found it fun and engaging, with a humorous storyline that will keep young readers entertained, and bright, colorful artwork that will hold their attention. I can definitely see this one being a story-hour winner, especially around Father's Day! ( )
  AbigailAdams26 | Apr 12, 2013 |
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AuteursnaamRolType auteurWerk?Status
Jonathan Londonprimaire auteuralle editiesberekend
Remkiewicz, FrankIllustratorprimaire auteuralle editiesbevestigd

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Froggy and his dad celebrate Father's Day with a game of miniature golf, among other things.

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