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The Devil in Amber door Mark Gatiss
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The Devil in Amber (editie 2006)

door Mark Gatiss (Auteur)

Reeksen: Lucifer Box (2)

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6602336,597 (3.34)27
Lucifer Box - the gorgeous butterfly of King Bertie's reign, portraitist, dandy and terribly good secret agent - is feeling his age. Assigned to observe the activities of fascist leader Olympus Mons and his fanatical Amber Shirts in a snow-bound 1920s New York, Box finds himself framed for a vicious murder. Using all his native cunning, Box escapes aboard a vessel bound for England armed only with a Broadway midget's suitcase and a string of unanswered questions. What lies hidden in the bleak Norfolk convent of St Bede? What is 'the lamb' that Olympus Mons searches for in his bid for world domination? And what has all this to do with a medieval prayer intended to summon the Devil himself? From the glittering sophistication of Art Deco Manhattan to the eerie Norfolk coast and the snow-capped peaks of Switzerland The Devil in Amber takes us on a thrilling ride that pits Lucifer Box against the most lethal adversary of his career : the Prince of Darkness himself.… (meer)
Titel:The Devil in Amber
Auteurs:Mark Gatiss (Auteur)
Info:Simon & Schuster Ltd (2006), Edition: First Edition, 256 pages
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek

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The Devil in Amber door Mark Gatiss

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1-5 van 23 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)
Not nearly as good as the first one. This still was a fun read if a bit disappointing. ( )
  brittaniethekid | Jul 7, 2022 |
At last! Lucifer Box, His Majesty's most daring -and dissolute- secret agent returns in a mystery set some twenty years after the scandalous eventos of the bestselling The Vesuvius Club. This time he faces treachery within his own service and a fascist messiah with a peculiarly Satanic Design.
  Daniel464 | Sep 26, 2021 |

Sequel to The Vesuvius Club, which I haven’t read. Painter and occasional spy Lucifer Box gets mixed up in improbable occult conspiracies involving weird politics in 1920s New York and England. I didn’t get much out of this; I felt that Box was a little too pleased with himself, and the conspiracy both too implausibly complex and not sufficiently connected with the real history of the time to be very satisfying. I’ve liked most of Gatiss’s Doctor Who books, but didn’t get much out of this. ( )
1 stem nwhyte | Oct 16, 2019 |
Entertainment to the fore, but the plot was about wannabe Satanists with Swiss mountain lairs and a perfect child brought up in a convent to be a sacrifice. Stylistically fun, but utterly unbelievable. I remember liking The Vesuvius Club more. ( )
1 stem jkdavies | Jun 14, 2016 |
I actually purchased this book before its prequel, The Vesuvius Club, but held off on reading it until I'd managed to locate that book. Reading the two books out of order wouldn't have had an effect on my understanding, but that's just the way I roll.

Sadly, The Devil in Amber isn't as entertaining as its predecessor, although it is still enjoyable. Gatiss seems to have toned down the more foppish aspect of Box's character in favor of a greater emphasis on sex and action, and while the book isn't devoid of humor (far from it, in fact), this go-round is a lot less witty. I also found the supernatural aspects of the story to be somewhat distracting. I liked the idea that Box could exist in the real world a lot better than this book's fantasy world.

So, all in all, this was a letdown, like most sequels, I suppose. Should this turn into a trilogy, however, I will gladly pick up a copy. ( )
1 stem jawalter | Nov 18, 2012 |
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Mark Gatissprimaire auteuralle editiesberekend
Catherall, PaulArtiest omslagafbeeldingSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd
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Wikipedia in het Engels (1)

Lucifer Box - the gorgeous butterfly of King Bertie's reign, portraitist, dandy and terribly good secret agent - is feeling his age. Assigned to observe the activities of fascist leader Olympus Mons and his fanatical Amber Shirts in a snow-bound 1920s New York, Box finds himself framed for a vicious murder. Using all his native cunning, Box escapes aboard a vessel bound for England armed only with a Broadway midget's suitcase and a string of unanswered questions. What lies hidden in the bleak Norfolk convent of St Bede? What is 'the lamb' that Olympus Mons searches for in his bid for world domination? And what has all this to do with a medieval prayer intended to summon the Devil himself? From the glittering sophistication of Art Deco Manhattan to the eerie Norfolk coast and the snow-capped peaks of Switzerland The Devil in Amber takes us on a thrilling ride that pits Lucifer Box against the most lethal adversary of his career : the Prince of Darkness himself.

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Gemiddelde: (3.34)
1 2
2 26
2.5 5
3 48
3.5 24
4 49
4.5 4
5 12

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