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Empire of Alexander the Great

door Debra Skelton

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From the age of 20 until his death at 32, Alexander the Great and his armies from Greece swept across a vast region that included Persia, Asia Minor, Syria, and Egypt. Ultimately ruling an empire that stretched approximately 2 million square miles across three continents, Alexander revolutionized the way was waged and extended the influence of classical Greek culture far beyond the borders of Greece and his native Macedonia. ""Empire of Alexander the Great, Revised Edition"" looks at what made Alexander a brilliant military tactician and a charismatic leader. It also explores what the Eastern world learned through contact with Alexander, and what Alexander brought to the West from the Persian Empire. Connections in our own world to Alexander's empire include the legend of the Gordian knot, pearls, the Egyptian metropolis of Alexandria, and the Septuagint, the first translation of the Torah from Hebrew.… (meer)
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From the age of 20 until his death at 32, Alexander the Great and his armies from Greece swept across a vast region that included Persia, Asia Minor, Syria, and Egypt. Ultimately ruling an empire that stretched approximately 2 million square miles across three continents, Alexander revolutionized the way was waged and extended the influence of classical Greek culture far beyond the borders of Greece and his native Macedonia. ""Empire of Alexander the Great, Revised Edition"" looks at what made Alexander a brilliant military tactician and a charismatic leader. It also explores what the Eastern world learned through contact with Alexander, and what Alexander brought to the West from the Persian Empire. Connections in our own world to Alexander's empire include the legend of the Gordian knot, pearls, the Egyptian metropolis of Alexandria, and the Septuagint, the first translation of the Torah from Hebrew.

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