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Fodor's Vancouver's 25 Best, 1st Edition

door Fodor's

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"In terms of comprehensiveness of coverage, the very accessible format, and the enthusiastic tone, this series remains one of the best on the market." –Booklist   "Fodor's super-informative guidebooks are known for accuracy and attention to detail…" –The Sacramento Bee   "The Fodor's guides are notable for their ratings of sights, restaurants, shops, accommodations and attractions." –Chicago Tribune   "The great detail, infectious spirit, and attractive format are distinguishing traits of these guides, which are entries in one of the top series in the business." –Booklist   "Fodor's can help you plan the perfect adventure" –The Arizona Republic   "Always thoughtfully written and easily readable, Fodor's travel guides have become a must-have when traveling to unfamiliar destinations" –Mid South Magazine   "Widely recognized as the gold standard of mainstream travel" –Honolulu Advertiser… (meer)
Onlangs toegevoegd doorMasonEllis, eclecticbkwrm, Anglofile41
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"In terms of comprehensiveness of coverage, the very accessible format, and the enthusiastic tone, this series remains one of the best on the market." –Booklist   "Fodor's super-informative guidebooks are known for accuracy and attention to detail…" –The Sacramento Bee   "The Fodor's guides are notable for their ratings of sights, restaurants, shops, accommodations and attractions." –Chicago Tribune   "The great detail, infectious spirit, and attractive format are distinguishing traits of these guides, which are entries in one of the top series in the business." –Booklist   "Fodor's can help you plan the perfect adventure" –The Arizona Republic   "Always thoughtfully written and easily readable, Fodor's travel guides have become a must-have when traveling to unfamiliar destinations" –Mid South Magazine   "Widely recognized as the gold standard of mainstream travel" –Honolulu Advertiser

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