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Oh, the Thinks You Can Think! (Bright &…
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Oh, the Thinks You Can Think! (Bright & Early Board Books(TM)) (editie 2009)

door Dr. Seuss (Auteur)

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641537,886 (3.9)Geen
Rhyming verses catalogue a profusion of amusing, unusual, imaginative, and incredible things that can be thought about.
Titel:Oh, the Thinks You Can Think! (Bright & Early Board Books(TM))
Auteurs:Dr. Seuss (Auteur)
Info:Random House Books for Young Readers (2009), Edition: Brdbk, 24 pages
Verzamelingen:Aan het lezen

Informatie over het werk

Oh, the Thinks You Can Think! [adapted] door Dr. Seuss

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The Dr. Seuss book, “Oh, The Thinks You Can Think!” is my all time favorite one from Dr. Seuss, since someone special gave it to me. This book appeals to young children because of the catchy and funny rhyming words Dr. Seuss includes. The nonsensical language in this story includes, “You can think about SCHLOPP. SCHLOPP. SCHLOPP. Beautiful schlopp. Beautiful schlopp with a cherry on top.” Here, children will giggle at the word “schlopp” and the way he used it to rhyme, “with a cherry on top,” a commonly known expression. Although the plot does not have a steady story, I think this is what makes people fall in love with any Dr. Seuss’ book, especially this one. The messages are inspiring with a silly story to enhance it. In this case, the story shows the power of imagination to young children. ( )
  Ebutzn1 | Sep 11, 2014 |
I love this story and the message it teaches kids about doing anything they think they can do! ( )
  EmilySansovich | Apr 25, 2014 |
In Oh, the thinks you can think, Dr. Seuss tells of all the things a human mind can think of. My personal favorite is the balloon swimming pool. This book tells of a lesson to use your mind for whatever you want to think about.

I usually enjoy Dr. Seuss, but this book is not one of my favorites. It's message is simple and the story seems thin compared to Oh, the places you'll go.

The illustrations, as all of Dr. Seuss' are wonderful. They allow children to imagine whatever they want to.
  izzymcdizzy | Mar 2, 2014 |
Oh the wonderful journeys of Dr. Seuss. This is a great book on what your mind can think about. This story takes you on a wacky adventure that gets your mind going. It is great for kids, and will surely get a giggle! ( )
  CMJohnson | Feb 26, 2014 |
I love how fun Dr. Seuss' books are. This book lets children explore their imagination and just think about anything they want to. One of the fun things about this book is the made up words and places Dr. Seuss uses to keep the readers engaged; "Thinks" "Da-Dake" "guff". These let the readers use their imagination. I feel like all children should be read Dr. Seuss books when they are little to let them create a fun imagination! ( )
  kincor1 | Oct 14, 2013 |
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this is an adapted version for babies - please don't combine with the original
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Rhyming verses catalogue a profusion of amusing, unusual, imaginative, and incredible things that can be thought about.

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