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Cabinets of Curiosities door Patrick Mauries
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Cabinets of Curiosities (editie 2002)

door Patrick Mauries

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276299,685 (4.29)Geen
Unicorns' horns, mermaids' skeletons, stuffed and preserved animals and plants, work in precious metals, clocks, scientific instruments, celestial globes . . . all knowledge, the whole cosmos arranged on shelves. Such were the cabinets of curiosities of the seventeenth century, the last period of history when man could aspire to know everything.Who were the collectors? They were archdukes and kings--the Emperor Rudolf II was the prince of all collectors--rich merchants and scholars, and their collections ranged from a single crowded room to whole palatial suites. Patrick Maurie`s traces the amazing history of these "rooms of wonders" in this ingeniously erudite survey. Not many of the rooms survive, though there are pictorial records, but their contents still exist and are among the treasures of museums all over the world.… (meer)
Titel:Cabinets of Curiosities
Auteurs:Patrick Mauries
Info:Thames & Hudson (2002), Hardcover
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek

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Cabinets of Curiosities door Patrick Mauriès

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I dip in and out of this constantly -- it's one of my desk-side books. ( )
  lisapeet | Mar 31, 2013 |
This book is a visual treasure chamber for those interested in how collections could look like in the curiosity cabinets of the wealthy classes during the 15th-17th centuries.

I’m very fond of this title. Not only is it lavishly illustrated, but it also gives the reader an historical account of collecting from the renaissance wunder kammer to contemporary curio cabinets. You cannot browse the pages without being inspired. This book is eye candy for the collector, art buff or anyone with an interest in cultural history... ( )
1 stem unixploria | Jan 10, 2009 |
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Unicorns' horns, mermaids' skeletons, stuffed and preserved animals and plants, work in precious metals, clocks, scientific instruments, celestial globes . . . all knowledge, the whole cosmos arranged on shelves. Such were the cabinets of curiosities of the seventeenth century, the last period of history when man could aspire to know everything.Who were the collectors? They were archdukes and kings--the Emperor Rudolf II was the prince of all collectors--rich merchants and scholars, and their collections ranged from a single crowded room to whole palatial suites. Patrick Maurie`s traces the amazing history of these "rooms of wonders" in this ingeniously erudite survey. Not many of the rooms survive, though there are pictorial records, but their contents still exist and are among the treasures of museums all over the world.

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4 6
4.5 3
5 13

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