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The Silent Crossing: Last Kingdom VI door…
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The Silent Crossing: Last Kingdom VI (editie 2013)

door Pascal Quignard, Chris Turner (Vertaler)

Reeksen: Dernier royaume (6)

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592450,941 (4.15)Geen
A haunting homage to life and liberty, to society and solitude, and to the binding and unbinding that constitute the weft of our lives. Drawing on materials from across many cultures, Pascal Quignard makes an effort to establish shared human values as the breeding ground for a modern Enlightenment. Considering atheism as a spiritual liberation, suicide as a free act, and the rejection of society as a free choice, the author explores philosophical themes that have run through human civilizations--most often as heresies--from our earliest days. In his search for freedom, Quignard questions the binding dependency of religion, querying how, in a world where all forms of society presuppose that someone (or some collective) is looking over our shoulders, we can be free. These reflections, he implies, are the essential spiritual exercise for our times. Few voices in contemporary French literature are more distinct than that of Quignard. By reading this fragmentary, episodic assemblage of intimate experiences and borrowed tales, we open up a space of liberty, creating for the reader space for meditation and, perhaps, liberation.… (meer)
Titel:The Silent Crossing: Last Kingdom VI
Auteurs:Pascal Quignard
Andere auteurs:Chris Turner (Vertaler)
Info:Seagull Books (2013), Hardcover, 264 pages
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek, Read in 2023, Read in 2016, Read (of my library)

Informatie over het werk

Dernier royaume, Tome 6 : La barque silencieuse door Pascal Quignard (Author)

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> Babelio :

> LA BARQUE SILENCIEUSE, de Pascal Quignard, 238 pages, 2009, Seuil. — Une longue méditation d'un érudit lettré sur la liberté, l'athéisme, le suicide, avec, en arrière plan, la culture stoïcienne des rhéteurs grecs et de la Rome antique. Une forme hybride, mêlant élégamment anecdotes, aphorismes, réflexions étymologiques. Affirmation de la liberté comme valeur ultime, face à l'assujettissement des individus à la société. (Jacques MARMEY)
Carnets du Yoga, (282), Décembre 2009, (p. 19)
  Joop-le-philosophe | Jan 28, 2023 |
In 86 short chapters, Quignard medititates on life, death, sex, love, society, individualism, solitude and atheism. I enjoy the way Quignard sees tries to recapture (IMO) a repaganized view of the the world.

Some things that resonated with me:

At the end of chapter 33, Autarkes, a chapter on the proud, independent person - a spirit who cannot be tamed and is not drowned in the pathetic mores of common society

"Epicurus wrote that the sophos(sage) would have no concern for his tomb; would deny the gods; would not engage in politics; would not get drunk; would not depend on anyone; would not marry. He would contemplate Nature and sexual pleasure would be his end, as it had been the source of his days."

In chapter 37: "What most gives us the sense of liberty? Forgeting that you are being watched."

In Chapter 65, De Atheismo: "To live without god is an extreme human possibility. It is not actually the impious individual who is condemned in the atheist but the traitor to the group."

In Chapter 68: "'As sexual puritanism makes a comeback, so libertines must make a comeback....When she appeared before the Fourth War-Council, Louise Michel explained radically: Liberated, libertines, libertarians, free people -- gentlemen, make no distinction. We are atheist's because we wish to be free.'"

Well written and well translated...almost a devotional for the pagan mind. ( )
1 stem PedrBran | Apr 6, 2014 |
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J’aurai passé ma vie à chercher des mots qui me faisaient défaut. Qu’est-ce qu’un littéraire ? Celui pour qui les mots défaillent, bondissent, fuient, perdent sens. [...]
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A haunting homage to life and liberty, to society and solitude, and to the binding and unbinding that constitute the weft of our lives. Drawing on materials from across many cultures, Pascal Quignard makes an effort to establish shared human values as the breeding ground for a modern Enlightenment. Considering atheism as a spiritual liberation, suicide as a free act, and the rejection of society as a free choice, the author explores philosophical themes that have run through human civilizations--most often as heresies--from our earliest days. In his search for freedom, Quignard questions the binding dependency of religion, querying how, in a world where all forms of society presuppose that someone (or some collective) is looking over our shoulders, we can be free. These reflections, he implies, are the essential spiritual exercise for our times. Few voices in contemporary French literature are more distinct than that of Quignard. By reading this fragmentary, episodic assemblage of intimate experiences and borrowed tales, we open up a space of liberty, creating for the reader space for meditation and, perhaps, liberation.

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