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Promise Me Tonight: A Weston Novel door Sara…
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Promise Me Tonight: A Weston Novel (editie 2010)

door Sara Lindsey

Reeksen: Weston (1)

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992283,502 (3.93)1
The author's first novel introduces readers to the Weston family in the late 1770s. When childhood friends James Sheffield and Isabella Weston reunite at Isabella's coming-out ball, a romance is kindled.
Titel:Promise Me Tonight: A Weston Novel
Auteurs:Sara Lindsey
Info:Signet (2010), Edition: Original, Paperback, 320 pages
Verzamelingen:Aan het lezen
Trefwoorden:Historical, 2010

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Promise Me Tonight door Sara Lindsey

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Toon 2 van 2
RATING: 2.5 stars.

A quick read, but the story isn't particularly original (but then again is there such a thing anymore, in any genre). The entire setting (noble family with a bunch of brothers and sisters) is remarkably similar to Julia Quinn's Bridgerton's series. The story is reminiscent of Daphne's (older Bridgerton sister, her story is told in "The Duke and I") in some points, although this book has a very nice (and relatively original) twist happening about halfway through the book, after the wedding.

As for the characters, I didn't really feel the chemistry between them. So Isabella says she loves James, but all the time it felt like childish infatuation only. I thought, at times, I'd have liked for another man to step in and make Isabella fall in love for real. Didn't really like James, mostly.

The ending was dragged on for way too many pages, and I didn't see the need to add that last drama where the hero leaves again and all that. It seemed to me more like an effort on the author's part to reach the 300-page mark than anything else.

Still, nice writing style and a decent debut. I'm curious about Olivia's story and I have the book here, so that will be my next read, although the plot seems a bit like the one from Julia Quinn's "To Sir Phillip, with Love". Which isn't a bad thing at all, since I loved that book. Also looking forward to Henry's story... will he end up with the spinster, I wonder? ( )
1 stem slayra | Sep 21, 2013 |
What a delightful historical romance set in England 1792. This is a Weston novel. This book is well written with detail and depth. The characters are charming, strong, emotional and will pull you into the story. It has sweet sensuality, romance,bitterness, forgiveness, mystery, and is an emotional love story.The heroine has been in love with the hero since the first time she saw him, when they where only children. The hero is determined never to marry, his father died shortly after his mother died in childbirth. He was sent to live with his grandfather who was not so nice. As fate would have it, he ends up marrying and learns a lesson in true love. It is a must read. It is fast paced, page turning story from the first page to the last. I would highly recommend this book. ( )
  tarenn | Apr 26, 2010 |
Toon 2 van 2
This enchanting tale makes you believe that love can triumph over such seemingly insurmountable odds.
Fans of Julia Quinn will find much that is familiar and enjoyable in Lindsey's debut 1790s romance, the first book of the Weston family saga.
toegevoegd door saralindsey | bewerkPublishers Weekly, a (Dec 21, 2009)
Delightful characters and sizzling sensuality blend beautifully with a sense of humor and the joy of falling in love. Lindsey is off to a fabulous start.

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In loving memory of the furry muses who have graced my life and my lap with their presence, especially Gillyflower, who always knew when I needed a break from writing and let me know by demanding to be fed, brushed or generally adored, and Miss Mia Meowski, an angel kitty too good for this life, who never left my side during a deadline crisis. I still miss you every day.  
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Seconds always seem inconsequential.
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Pirate queens never trip.  - Isabella Weston
Heartless bounder.  - Isabella Weston to James Sheffield

Impertinent baggage.  - James Sheffield to Isabella Weston
Who ever fell playing the pianoforte?  - Isabella Weston
White coffee cream ices, she had found, were good consolation for a lonely heart.  - Isabella Weston
I don’t believe I have been compromised. At least not past redemption.  - Isabella Weston
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The author's first novel introduces readers to the Weston family in the late 1770s. When childhood friends James Sheffield and Isabella Weston reunite at Isabella's coming-out ball, a romance is kindled.

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Sara Lindsey is een LibraryThing auteur: een auteur die zijn persoonlijke bibliotheek toont op LibraryThing.

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