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Gardening on the Edge : Drawing on the…
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Gardening on the Edge : Drawing on the Cornwall Experience (editie 2004)

door Peter Clough (Auteur), P.D.A.McMillan Browse (Auteur)

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The subject of this book is gardening. The publishers have provided no further information on this title.
Titel:Gardening on the Edge : Drawing on the Cornwall Experience
Auteurs:Peter Clough (Auteur)
Andere auteurs:P.D.A.McMillan Browse (Auteur)
Info:Gardners Books (2004), 248 pages
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek

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Gardening on the Edge: Drawing on the Cornwall Experience door Philip McMillan Browse

Onlangs toegevoegd doorGanzy, presto
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Gardening on the edge, or pushing the boundaries of plant hardiness in the UK, growing those plants that just might survive the British climate, particularly in the more favourable parts, is what this is all about. Following the introduction ten chapters, each by a writer "chosen primarily because of their high reputation and as practising gardeners" take a look at plants in their special field of interest: "recent woody plant arrivals in Cornwall", conifers, palms, Proteaceae, bamboos and restios, Hedychiums, climbers, ferns clubmosses and horsetails, and "some uncommon, untried or tender plants". The book includes a list of specialist nurseries, suppliers and societies; gardens to visit and national collections; further reading and an index.

The format varies from chapter to chapter as one would expect with different authors, some discus the individual species in the general text, others include specific entries for the species, but all include notes on cultivation. The book is illustrated throughout almost all in full-colour with most of the photographs being around a quarter page in size, a few larger, some smaller. The quality of the photographs is variable, many are good while others not so good lacking clarity, detail or simply out of focus. The photographs are not indexed, I have not counted them but with a rough average of at least two to a page there are probably well over 400 photographs here.

This is a very informative book and makes interesting reading, and one that will be a frequent source of reference for anyone interested in growing those borderline hardy plants that are so tantalising. It is a shame it is let down by the quality of a number of the photographs. ( )
  presto | Apr 24, 2012 |
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The subject of this book is gardening. The publishers have provided no further information on this title.

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