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The Marijuana Anthology: Grower's Secrets Revealed

door Greg Green

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The Marijuana Anthology is filled with tips, tricks, and techniques from the foremost experts in the fields of growing, harvesting, and consuming marijuana. Articles, essays, and other works give readers an in-depth look into current growing theory and practice. Illustrations, photographs, and recipes showcase the skills and strengths of these seasoned producers. David Strange explains how grow room preproduction can insure maximize yield. Mel Frank gives a wealth of information for large-scale organic growers. C. K. Watson explains how to use the Internet to improve knowledge, perform research, join community forums, and order equipment. Best-selling author Greg Green shares the inside scoop on marijuana's genetic history and how manipulating the plant's genes can produce the strongest variety. These are just four of the articles in this authoritative growers' bible that includes the latest information on everything needed for successful cultivation from making potent hash to controlling pests.… (meer)
Onlangs toegevoegd doorZanzan_Pekinoua, yeschaton
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The Marijuana Anthology is filled with tips, tricks, and techniques from the foremost experts in the fields of growing, harvesting, and consuming marijuana. Articles, essays, and other works give readers an in-depth look into current growing theory and practice. Illustrations, photographs, and recipes showcase the skills and strengths of these seasoned producers. David Strange explains how grow room preproduction can insure maximize yield. Mel Frank gives a wealth of information for large-scale organic growers. C. K. Watson explains how to use the Internet to improve knowledge, perform research, join community forums, and order equipment. Best-selling author Greg Green shares the inside scoop on marijuana's genetic history and how manipulating the plant's genes can produce the strongest variety. These are just four of the articles in this authoritative growers' bible that includes the latest information on everything needed for successful cultivation from making potent hash to controlling pests.

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