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Blackwater door Michael McDowell
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Blackwater (origineel 1983; editie 2015)

door Michael McDowell (Auteur)

Reeksen: Michael McDowell's Blackwater (Omnibus 1-6)

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27315100,936 (4.33)1 / 10
Fiction. Horror. Mystery. Folklore. HTML:

Blackwater is the saga of a small town, Perdido, Alabama, and Elinor Dammert, the stranger who arrives there under mysterious circumstances on Easter Sunday, 1919. On the surface, Elinor is gracious, charming, anxious to belong in Perdido, and eager to marry Oscar Caskey, the eldest son of Perdido's first family. But her beautiful exterior hides a shocking secret. Beneath the waters of the Perdido River, she turns into something terrifying, a creature whispered about in stories that have chilled the residents of Perdido for generations. Some of those who observe her rituals in the river will never be seen again ...

Originally published as a series of six volumes in 1983, Blackwater is the crowning achievement of Michael McDowell, author of the Southern Gothic classics Cold Moon Over Babylon and The Elementals and screenwriter of Beetlejuice and The Nightmare Before Christmas. This first-ever one-volume edition, with a new introduction by Shirley Jackson Award-winning author Nathan Ballingrud, will allow a new generation of readers to discover this modern horror classic.

… (meer)
Auteurs:Michael McDowell (Auteur)
Info:Centipede Press (2015), Edition: Limited Edition, 900 pages
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek

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Blackwater: The Complete Saga door Michael McDowell (1983)

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1-5 van 15 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)
A blend of Gone With the Wind familial saga with some Lovecraftian horror. Surprisingly effective at pulling you along with the story even as little is happening, and then stabbing you in the back with some visceral horror when you're not expecting it. Probably best enjoyed on a porch in a rocking chair while sipping ice tea.
What prevented the four star is the time investment, when the story is not actually explaining much of anything about its own mythology despite the brick sized length. What's an understandable choice in a Lovecraft novella is less forgivable here. ( )
  A.Godhelm | Oct 20, 2023 |
This is a masterpiece that ought to be better known. This is a southern gothic in the best tradition of that genre. It’s a book about family from the early half of the 20th century up to 1980, or thereabouts. It’s about the Caskey family and their rise and sorta fall in the small town of Perdido, Alabama. It’s about blood being thicker than water but mostly it’s an allegory about misfits, or rather those that society sees as misfits, and how they’re really just the same as the rest of us, or their wants and fears are the same anyway. Oh and I forgot, strong women. Almost all the main characters are strong women.

Oh, and I really forgot something important, to bring the misfit theme home, the pivotal character in this family is a swamp monster, but you’ll forget that most of the time, it’s that good. Honest. And there are a few vindictive ghosts thrown in. When you think about it, who is more of a misfit than a swamp monster? It’s allegory, stupid.

This is the book [a:Stephen King|3389|Stephen King|] wishes he could write. Ignored by literati because it’s categorized as horror instead of their beloved “magical realism,” it’s every bit as profound as anything in the latter genre.

Skip the shorter and better known [b:The Elementals|22461751|The Elementals|Michael McDowell||292120] and go straight to [b:Blackwater: The Complete Caskey Family Saga|23476097|Blackwater The Complete Caskey Family Saga (Blackwater, #1-6)|Michael McDowell||43067426]. ( )
  Gumbywan | Jun 24, 2022 |
Idk, I just wanted more creepiness ( )
  erinlizzyward | May 3, 2022 |
All I can say is WOW! Fantastic novel. I am now a super fan of Michael McDowell. Highly recommended if you like Southern Gothic Lit. The audio version is excellent. ( )
  erinclark | Oct 25, 2021 |
I never expected to be so drawn into this 30 hour listen, but drawn in I was and once I started listening I could hardly stop at night to go to sleep. The narrator (Matt Godfrey) was brilliant and the different voices that he developed, and appeared to effortlessly transition into and out of, for the extensive cast of characters were so distinct that I could immediately tell who was speaking, before the person was identified.

The quirky Caskey family were easy to envision and the family dynamics were uniquely dysfunctional. Although it appears to be grouped with horror novels, it is of the Southern gothic genre, with more left to be imagined in the reader's mind than characterized in detail in the book. McDowell's writing is sublime, making this one of my new favorites. ( )
  wagnerkim | Jul 21, 2021 |
1-5 van 15 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)
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» Andere auteurs toevoegen (13 mogelijk)

AuteursnaamRolType auteurWerk?Status
McDowell, Michaelprimaire auteuralle editiesbevestigd
Langan, JohnIntroductieprimaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd
Bolívar, MarcelaArtiest omslagafbeeldingSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd
Godfrey, MattVertellerSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd
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The maenad loves—and furiously defends herself against love’s importunity. She loves—and kills. From the depths of sex, from the dark, primeval past of the battles of the sexes arise this splitting and bifurcating of the female soul, wherein woman first finds the wholeness and primal integrity of her feminine consciousness. So tragedy is born of the female essence’s assertion of itself as a dyad.

Vyacheslav Ivanov, “The Essence of Tragedy”

Translated by Laurence Senelick
I will spunge out the sweetness of my heart,

And suck up horror; Love, woman’s thoughts I’ll kill,

And leave their bodies rotting in my mind,

Hoping their worms will sting; not man outside,

Yet will I out of hate engender much:

I’ll be the father of a world of ghosts,

And get the grave with carcase.

Thomas Lovell Beddoes, “Love’s Arrow Poisoned”
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For Mama El
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At dawn on Easter Sunday morning, 1919, the cloudless sky over Perdido, Alabama, was a pale translucent pink not reflected in the black waters that for the past week had entirely flooded the town.
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Fiction. Horror. Mystery. Folklore. HTML:

Blackwater is the saga of a small town, Perdido, Alabama, and Elinor Dammert, the stranger who arrives there under mysterious circumstances on Easter Sunday, 1919. On the surface, Elinor is gracious, charming, anxious to belong in Perdido, and eager to marry Oscar Caskey, the eldest son of Perdido's first family. But her beautiful exterior hides a shocking secret. Beneath the waters of the Perdido River, she turns into something terrifying, a creature whispered about in stories that have chilled the residents of Perdido for generations. Some of those who observe her rituals in the river will never be seen again ...

Originally published as a series of six volumes in 1983, Blackwater is the crowning achievement of Michael McDowell, author of the Southern Gothic classics Cold Moon Over Babylon and The Elementals and screenwriter of Beetlejuice and The Nightmare Before Christmas. This first-ever one-volume edition, with a new introduction by Shirley Jackson Award-winning author Nathan Ballingrud, will allow a new generation of readers to discover this modern horror classic.


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Gemiddelde: (4.33)
2 1
3 5
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4 24
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5 29

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