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Vows, Vendettas and a Little Black Dress…
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Vows, Vendettas and a Little Black Dress (editie 2010)

door Kyra Davis

Reeksen: Sophie Katz (5)

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1166243,383 (3.72)4
Fiction. Romance. HTML:Overjoyed at Maryanne's engagement, amateur sleuth Sophie Katz can't wait for the wedding vows and party toasts to begin. But then Dena—best friend, bridesmaid and all-around vixen—is mysteriously shot just after the announcement. Leave this to the authorities? No way. Dena may never walk again, and Sophie vows to marry her fists with the shooter's face.
Problem is, the number of suspects is off the charts—from jaded lovers to anti-free-lovers to just plain old haters. Dena's made plenty of enemies thanks to her popular sex shop—and, yes, she's no saint—but really, who deserves to be shot?
With an überlogical almost boyfriend condemning her vigilante quest, and a wedding planner going vicariously bridezilla over the dream princess wedding, Sophie's barely thinking straight. But if she can keep her cool (and avoid all errant taffeta), she just might nab her man and save the (wedding) day.
Big if.
… (meer)
Titel:Vows, Vendettas and a Little Black Dress
Auteurs:Kyra Davis
Info:Mira (2010), Edition: Original, Paperback, 320 pages

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Vows, Vendettas and a Little Black Dress door Kyra Davis

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1-5 van 6 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)
I hope this isn't the end of the series. ( )
  Carole0220 | Mar 21, 2020 |
Typical Romance Mystery. Not too much to say about this one. Very obvious. Clearly the main character gets her man and solves the mystery. Despite the 'Big IF' on the back cover. ( )
  momma182 | Jun 23, 2015 |
Just plain fun to read--laughed out loud at a few parts. ( )
  dragonflydee1 | Apr 3, 2013 |
This is a series I've enjoyed a lot since the beginning, but this entry was not as good as I had hoped. Whereas the previous books had such great humor, almost Janet Evanovich-like, this book tried to tackle too many complicated and tragic issues.

When I pick up a book like this, I'm expecting, and want, fun, great dialogue, romance, and a good mystery. And while I did get these things, the book was brought down by the attempt to suddenly get very serious. There are other authors who deal with heavy subjects within mysteries, but when I go for a [[Kyra Davis]], I don't expect to read about a best friend getting shot and possibly never walking again, a possible stalker, and what feels like eight hundred fights between the main character and her boyfriend. I fell in love with this series for the romance and the humor, which felt strangely lacking in this book.

That said, I did enjoy the book, though not even close to as much as the other books in the series. There was still some great humor, especially surrounding one of the characters wanting a Disneyland wedding, and the mystery was clever and well-executed. I will be reading the new book in this series in hopes it gets more of its magic back. ( )
1 stem seasonsoflove | May 26, 2012 |
Sophie is an established author who fancies herself a bit of a detective. I’m jumping in 5 books into the series, but any backstory that was relevant is explained. The characters here are over-the-top in one way or another, from the Disney loving Mary-Ann and Monty to the polyamorous Dena and Jason to the perpetually-stoned Amelia to the secretive Russian Anatoly. And Sophie is the glue that holds all of them together. As you would expect from the cover, the tone to this mystery is relatively light. At least, as light as it can be when someone has been shot and possibly paralyzed. My one complaint is that Sophie doesn’t really do any detecting here… things just sort of happen to her, and she reacts. The actions she takes are generally a result of someone else’s contribution or intervention. And at one point it looked like there was going to be a twist, but then it just evaporated. I think I might have preferred that to the actual ending, which was not entirely unexpected. All in all, this wasn’t a bad read, but I probably won’t rush out to pick up the earlier books in the series. ( )
  miyurose | Jan 28, 2011 |
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Kyra Davisprimaire auteuralle editiesberekend
Zackman, GabraVertellerSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd

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Fiction. Romance. HTML:Overjoyed at Maryanne's engagement, amateur sleuth Sophie Katz can't wait for the wedding vows and party toasts to begin. But then Dena—best friend, bridesmaid and all-around vixen—is mysteriously shot just after the announcement. Leave this to the authorities? No way. Dena may never walk again, and Sophie vows to marry her fists with the shooter's face.
Problem is, the number of suspects is off the charts—from jaded lovers to anti-free-lovers to just plain old haters. Dena's made plenty of enemies thanks to her popular sex shop—and, yes, she's no saint—but really, who deserves to be shot?
With an überlogical almost boyfriend condemning her vigilante quest, and a wedding planner going vicariously bridezilla over the dream princess wedding, Sophie's barely thinking straight. But if she can keep her cool (and avoid all errant taffeta), she just might nab her man and save the (wedding) day.
Big if.

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Gemiddelde: (3.72)
2 2
2.5 1
3 12
3.5 1
4 14
4.5 1
5 7

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