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Phenomenology of Spirit door G. W. F. Hegel
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Phenomenology of Spirit (editie 1977)

door G. W. F. Hegel (Auteur)

LedenBesprekingenPopulariteitGemiddelde beoordelingAanhalingen
3,292234,175 (3.73)19
"The Phenomenology of Spirit, first published in 1807, is G. W. F. Hegel's remarkable philosophical text that examines the dynamics of human experience from its simplest beginnings in consciousness through its development into ever more complex and self-conscious forms. The work explores the inner discovery of reason and its progressive expansion into spirit, a world of intercommunicating and interacting minds reconceiving and re-creating themselves and their reality. The Phenomenology of Spirit is a notoriously challenging and arduous text that students and scholars have been studying ever since its publication. In this long-awaited translation, Peter Fuss and John Dobbins provide a succinct, highly informative, and readily comprehensible introduction to several key concepts in Hegel's thinking. This edition includes an extensive conceptual index, which offers easy reference to specific discussions in the text and elucidates the more subtle nuances of Hegel's concepts and word usage. This modern American English translation employs natural idioms that accurately convey what Hegel means. Throughout the book, the translators adhered to the maxim: if you want to understand Hegel, read him in the English. This book is intended for intellectuals with a vested interest in modern philosophy and history, as well as students of all levels, seeking to access or further engage with this seminal text"--… (meer)
Titel:Phenomenology of Spirit
Auteurs:G. W. F. Hegel (Auteur)
Info:Oxford University Press (1976), Edition: 1, 595 pages
Verzamelingen:Te lezen
Trefwoorden:Metaphysics, Epistemology, Philosophy of Religion, Political Philosophy, German Idealism

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The Phenomenology of Mind door G. W. F. Hegel

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La Fenomenologia dello spirito di Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, pubblicata nel 1807, è una delle opere più significative e complesse della filosofia occidentale. Essa rappresenta un viaggio attraverso le varie manifestazioni della coscienza e dello spirito, tracciando un percorso che culmina nel "sapere assoluto". Hegel concepisce la fenomenologia come una "scienza dell'esperienza della coscienza", in cui si esplora come lo spirito si sviluppi e si riconosca come tale attraverso la storia.

Struttura dell'opera
L'opera è divisa in due parti principali:
Coscienza: Qui Hegel analizza il movimento della coscienza, che si evolve attraverso tre momenti:
Coscienza (tesi): il soggetto si concentra sull'oggetto.
Autocoscienza (antitesi): il soggetto si rivolge a se stesso.
Ragione (sintesi): il soggetto e l'oggetto si riconciliano attraverso il lavoro e la dialettica, culminando nella consapevolezza della propria indipendenza e della dipendenza reciproca.

Spirito: Questa parte esamina come lo spirito si manifesta nelle collettività e include:
Spirito: la vita sociale e culturale.
Religione: le varie forme religiose e la loro evoluzione.
Sapere assoluto: il riconoscimento finale dello spirito come totalità e unità di tutte le conoscenze.

Concetti chiave
Dialettica: Hegel utilizza un metodo dialettico per mostrare come le contraddizioni all'interno della coscienza portino a una sintesi superiore. Questo processo è fondamentale per comprendere il progresso della coscienza verso l'assoluto.
Coscienza infelice: Un concetto centrale in Hegel, rappresenta la condizione in cui l'individuo è in conflitto con se stesso e con il mondo esterno, cercando una verità che sfugge alla sua comprensione.
Sapere assoluto: Questo è il culmine del percorso fenomenologico, in cui lo spirito si riconosce come spirito, realizzando la propria essenza e la propria totalità. Hegel considera il sapere assoluto come la forma più alta di conoscenza, in cui soggetto e oggetto non sono più separati.

La Fenomenologia dello spirito non è solo un'opera filosofica, ma anche una riflessione profonda sulla condizione umana e sulla storia. Hegel la presenta come una narrazione romanzata della coscienza che si evolve e si riconosce nel corso del tempo, sottolineando l'importanza della storia e della cultura nel processo di sviluppo dello spirito.

Hegel offre una visione complessa della realtà, in cui la filosofia diventa il mezzo attraverso il quale lo spirito si comprende e si realizza. ( )
  AntonioGallo | Aug 27, 2024 |
  laplantelibrary | Dec 13, 2021 |
  laplantelibrary | Dec 13, 2021 |
Was tut man, wenn man im Sommer zwei Wochen frei hat, keinen Urlaub geplant, und es total verregnet ist? Richtig: Man beschäftigt sich mit der Phänomenologie des Geistes. Letztes Jahr habe ich es schon mal versucht, und habe es nach ca. 200 Seiten aufgegeben. Nun nochmal ein Versuch, zwei Wochen lang täglich mehrere Stunden, und diesmal hab ich mich auch durchgebissen.

Zugegebenermaßen habe ich trotzdem nicht das Gefühl, den Stoff richtig durchdrungen zu haben. Dennoch möchte ich meine Eindrücke kurz aufschreiben.

Das Buch erweckt den Eindruck, dass Hegel durchaus ein kluger Mann war, mit vielen schlauen Einsichten und Gedanken. Die Anerkennungstheorie ist nicht umsonst viel rezipiert worden. Die Idee des "absoluten Wissens" hat auch durchaus ihren Charme, wenngleich man sie heute vielleicht als etwas "esoterisch" bezeichnen könnte.

Die "Dialektik", mit der die verschiedenen Sachverhalte, wie ebendieses absolute Wissen hergeleitet werden, ist durchaus erfrischend und beeindruckend, zeigt vielleicht auch gewisse Einsichten in das Leben; mein Eindruck ist aber, dass ihr eine gewisse Notwendigkeit fehlt. Warum genau diese Einteilung in natürliche, Kunst- und offenbare Religion? Warum entwickeln sich Selbstbewusstsein in genau den Schritten wie beschrieben? Vielleicht verstehe ich es nicht so ganz, ich befürchte aber, dass dies Beschreibungen von teilweise kontingenten Pfadabhängigkeiten sind oder einfach der "besten Idee" Hegels entsprungen sind.

Zur Beurteilung der wissenschaftlichen "Haltbarkeit" traue ich mir mangels Verständnis und Wissen über Wissenschaftstheorie keine richtige Einschätzung zu. Jedenfalls vermittelt das Buch schon einige schlaue Gedanken, dir mir sicherlich noch einige Zeit hängen bleiben werden, und wird mir in Zukunft hoffentlich auch beim Verständnis anderer Autoren helfen.

Ohne Sekundärmaterial wäre ich wohl ziemlich aufgeschmissen gewesen. Ich habe "Hegels 'Phänomenologie des Geistes' von Georg Bertram" genutzt und kann dies empfehlen, außerdem habe ich ab und zu die Hegel-Videos z.B. von Gregory Sadler (leider Englisch) angeschaut. Eventuell werde ich nächstes Jahr oder so einen weiteren Durchlauf des Buchs wagen. ( )
  Holunderkarpfen | Oct 3, 2021 |
I have to agree with Bertrand Russell that Hegel “illustrates an important truth, namely, that the worse your logic, the more interesting the consequences to which it gives rise.” The best things about this book are the arguments that have been made against it. Hegel is the modern Aristotle, in that he makes arguments that appear at first glance to be rational arguments because of the way they are written, but in actuality have no rational basis. Of the two, Hegel is on the surface more logical, but far worse at expressing himself. For such overly simplistic ideas, he used a few too many words to describe them. ( )
  celestialfarmer | Feb 1, 2021 |
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Omtale :

Boken er den første komplette norske utgave av Hegels hovedverk. Den fremstiller menneskeåndens utvikling og historie som en lang rekke erfaringer, eventyr eller episoder, i et forsøk på å finne seg selv, og erkjenne verden og sin plass i den ved å utprøve muligheter og høste nederlag, etterfulgt av nye erfaringer og nye erkjennelser.

» Andere auteurs toevoegen (78 mogelijk)

AuteursnaamRolType auteurWerk?Status
G. W. F. Hegelprimaire auteuralle editiesberekend
Johnsen, DagVertalerSecundaire auteuralle editiesbevestigd
Findlay, J. N.VoorwoordSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd
Miller, A.V.VertalerSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd
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"The Phenomenology of Spirit, first published in 1807, is G. W. F. Hegel's remarkable philosophical text that examines the dynamics of human experience from its simplest beginnings in consciousness through its development into ever more complex and self-conscious forms. The work explores the inner discovery of reason and its progressive expansion into spirit, a world of intercommunicating and interacting minds reconceiving and re-creating themselves and their reality. The Phenomenology of Spirit is a notoriously challenging and arduous text that students and scholars have been studying ever since its publication. In this long-awaited translation, Peter Fuss and John Dobbins provide a succinct, highly informative, and readily comprehensible introduction to several key concepts in Hegel's thinking. This edition includes an extensive conceptual index, which offers easy reference to specific discussions in the text and elucidates the more subtle nuances of Hegel's concepts and word usage. This modern American English translation employs natural idioms that accurately convey what Hegel means. Throughout the book, the translators adhered to the maxim: if you want to understand Hegel, read him in the English. This book is intended for intellectuals with a vested interest in modern philosophy and history, as well as students of all levels, seeking to access or further engage with this seminal text"--

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