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Alpine For You (Premier Mystery) door Maddy…
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Alpine For You (Premier Mystery) (editie 2005)

door Maddy Hunter

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297791,933 (3.51)Geen
A TRIP TO DIE FOR...Accompanying her grandmother on a seniors tour of Switzerland, Emily Andrew had envisioned a vacation straight out of a travel brochure: spectacular scenery, great food, and a classy European hotel, all worlds away from her rural Iowa hometown. But her dream trip quickly snowballs into mayhem when smooth-talking tour escort Andy Simon is found dead. To be sure, Andy was as randy as a mountain goat on Viagra, hitting on every miss -- Swiss or otherwise -- within striking distance. His constant advances were driving Emily cuckoo -- but had someone orchestrated his untimely death?For savvy, resourceful Emily, leading the tour in Andy's place is only natural. But she can't remain neutral when a fellow traveler takes a fatal plunge -- she's convinced a murderer lurks among them. With precision timing, sexy Etienne Miceli steps in to investigate, and Emily warms to the suave detective. Still, with the group roster suddenly sprouting more holes than the local cheese, Emily wonders: is there a safe haven anywhere in the shadow of the Alps?… (meer)
Titel:Alpine For You (Premier Mystery)
Auteurs:Maddy Hunter
Info:Center Point Large Print (2005), Edition: Largeprint, Hardcover, 260 pages
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek
Trefwoorden:travel fiction-women

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Alpine for You door Maddy Hunter

  1. 00
    Death on Tour door Janice Hamrick (TheLibraryhag)
    TheLibraryhag: If you like the travel aspects and the bungling amateur detective.
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1-5 van 7 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)
I really give this book 4.5 stars. I love this series. This is the first one in the Passport to Peril series. I have read others and you do not need to read them in order. Emily Andrews reminds me so much of Stephanie Plum in the Evanovich books that I laugh out loud. Everything that could go wrong, goes wrong, but in the end, she comes out smiling. There is also the handsome guy who sees her in the worst possible scenarios, but still wants her anyway. In this book, Emily is accompanying her Nana to Switzerland on a 10 day trip of a lifetime. When the first Escort, Andrew Simon dies, Emily volunteers to take his place once she finds out that she will be reimbursed the price of the trip. Between the people dying, Emily getting involved in several water experiences and the traits of the Seniors from Iowa, it had me smiling and laughing out loud. I will definitely read the rest of the series. ( )
  Carlathelibrarian | Feb 5, 2019 |

Accompanying her grandmother on a seniors tour of Switzerland, Emily Andrew had envisioned a vacation straight out of a travel brochure: spectacular scenery, great food, and a classy European hotel, all worlds away from her rural Iowa hometown. But her dream trip quickly snowballs into mayhem when smooth-talking tour escort Andy Simon is found dead. To be sure, Andy was as randy as a mountain goat on Viagra, hitting on every miss -- Swiss or otherwise -- within striking distance. His constant advances were driving Emily cuckoo -- but had someone orchestrated his untimely death?
For savvy, resourceful Emily, leading the tour in Andy's place is only natural. But she can't remain neutral when a fellow traveler takes a fatal plunge -- she's convinced a murderer lurks among them. With precision timing, sexy Etienne Miceli steps in to investigate, and Emily warms to the suave detective. Still, with the group roster suddenly sprouting more holes than the local cheese, Emily wonders: is there a safe haven anywhere in the shadow of the Alps?

My review:

A very well written whodunnit. I loved every page. I have never seen a heroine so accident prone as this one. Kept me guessing until nearly the end. I will be reading more books in this series. ( )
  Emmie217 | Jun 27, 2018 |
In this humorous first book in the "Passport to Peril" series by Maddy Hunter, Emily Andrews accompanies her grandmother on a tour of Switzerland with a group of senior citizens. The trip doesn't go as Emily expects; it's too foggy to see the scenery, the food stinks, and her hotel room (rooms) are awful. When a member of their tour dies, Emily thinks its just one more thing gone wrong. But the police suspect murder and when a second tour member turns up dead, they realize there's a killer on the loose. Soon Emily finds herself working with a sexy Swiss detective to solve the murders before she becomes a victim herself.

Janet Evanovich fans will like this series. In fact, Hunter uses a lot of the same elements Evanovich does: a young heroine in need of a job takes one that she's not quite suited for; a running theme of her destroying something; a hot to trot grandmother; a sexy policeman as a love interest; lots of quirky characters; and lots and lots of humor. In fact, it's the laugh out loud humor, more than the mystery itself, that kept me reading the book and makes me want to read more books in the series.

This is a good start to what looks to be a fun-filled series. ( )
  drebbles | Apr 25, 2012 |
This book is loads of fun. Emily Andrews, a young woman escorting a group of senior citizens from Iowa (including her grandmother) on a tour of Switzerland, isn't quite prepared for the murderous turn the tour takes. She hasn't planned to be in charge of anything...and wouldn't be if the original escort hadn't died the first night the tour arrived in Switzerland, leaving her effectively holding the bag (that would be the bag with all the seniors' medications in it). Much hilarity ensues before the mystery is solved. [return][return]I had a great time reading this. It's easy and quick. Fluffy, even. So don't expect a serious mystery novel or you'll be sadly disappointed. A couple of Amazon reviewers have said that they were turned off by the portrayal of Switzerland in this book. If the characterizations here were to turn up in a serious novel, I'd agree with them. But slapstick--and make no mistake, that's what this is--has a different ethos. Exaggeration is the name of the game and Switzerland, Iowa, actors and senior citizens are all larger-than-life and twice as stereotyped. ( )
  LauraKCurtis | Apr 6, 2009 |
Emily accompanies her grandmother and a group of Iowan seniors on a Switzerland tour from Heck. Along with lost luggage and non-stop rain, the tour escort turns up dead. Emily bumbles her way into the role of detective in this first book in the hilarious Passport to Peril mystery series. ( )
  TheLibraryhag | May 5, 2007 |
1-5 van 7 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)
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A TRIP TO DIE FOR...Accompanying her grandmother on a seniors tour of Switzerland, Emily Andrew had envisioned a vacation straight out of a travel brochure: spectacular scenery, great food, and a classy European hotel, all worlds away from her rural Iowa hometown. But her dream trip quickly snowballs into mayhem when smooth-talking tour escort Andy Simon is found dead. To be sure, Andy was as randy as a mountain goat on Viagra, hitting on every miss -- Swiss or otherwise -- within striking distance. His constant advances were driving Emily cuckoo -- but had someone orchestrated his untimely death?For savvy, resourceful Emily, leading the tour in Andy's place is only natural. But she can't remain neutral when a fellow traveler takes a fatal plunge -- she's convinced a murderer lurks among them. With precision timing, sexy Etienne Miceli steps in to investigate, and Emily warms to the suave detective. Still, with the group roster suddenly sprouting more holes than the local cheese, Emily wonders: is there a safe haven anywhere in the shadow of the Alps?

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