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Teach Yourself Modern Persian/Farsi Complete…
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Teach Yourself Modern Persian/Farsi Complete Course Audiopack (editie 2004)

door Narguess Farzad

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651418,308 (4.5)Geen
Need a taxi in Tehran? Learn to speak Modern Persian. With Teach Yourself it's possible for virtually anyone to learn and experience the languages of the world, from Afrikaans to Zulu; Ancient Greek to Modern Persian; Beginner's Latin to Biblical Hebrew. Follow any of the Teach Yourself Language Courses Audiopacks at your own pace or use them as a supplement to formal courses. These complete courses are professionally designed for self-guided study, making them one of the most enjoyable and easy to use language courses you can find. Audiopacks include an instructional paperback book and two companion 60-minute audio CDs. Prepared by experts in the language, each course begins with the basics and gradually promotes the student to a level of smooth and confident communication, including: Step-by-step guide to pronunciation and grammar Regular and irregular verb tables Plenty of practice exercises and answers Practical vocabulary and a bilingual glossary Clear, uncluttered, and user-friendly layout An exploration of the culture And much more… (meer)
Titel:Teach Yourself Modern Persian/Farsi Complete Course Audiopack
Auteurs:Narguess Farzad
Info:McGraw-Hill (2004), Edition: 1, Audio CD
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek

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Teach Yourself Modern Persian/Farsi Complete Course Audiopack door Narguess Farzad

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Purchased in a fit of ambition. I never did more than practice the alphabet, but for someone with more time to devote to studying this may be a useful resource.
  billmcn | Aug 6, 2007 |
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Need a taxi in Tehran? Learn to speak Modern Persian. With Teach Yourself it's possible for virtually anyone to learn and experience the languages of the world, from Afrikaans to Zulu; Ancient Greek to Modern Persian; Beginner's Latin to Biblical Hebrew. Follow any of the Teach Yourself Language Courses Audiopacks at your own pace or use them as a supplement to formal courses. These complete courses are professionally designed for self-guided study, making them one of the most enjoyable and easy to use language courses you can find. Audiopacks include an instructional paperback book and two companion 60-minute audio CDs. Prepared by experts in the language, each course begins with the basics and gradually promotes the student to a level of smooth and confident communication, including: Step-by-step guide to pronunciation and grammar Regular and irregular verb tables Plenty of practice exercises and answers Practical vocabulary and a bilingual glossary Clear, uncluttered, and user-friendly layout An exploration of the culture And much more

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