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Critical Times: The History of the Times…
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Critical Times: The History of the Times Literary Supplement (editie 2001)

door Derwent May

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41Geen628,028 (3)10
A comprehensive, colourful and entertaining history of 100 years of that great British institution, The Times Literary Supplement, published for its centenary year in 2002. This text is not only a biography of an institution, but it is a reflection of the changes in British literature and culture throughout the 20th century. From its first tenuous year, 1902, when it was conceived of by the then manager of The Times Moberley Bell, to its modern-day incarnation, the Times Literary Supplement has been home to an astonishing assemblage of outstanding writers. This work also reveals for the first time the identities of the journal's anonymous reviewers since 1902 - a tradition which lasted until 1974.… (meer)
Titel:Critical Times: The History of the Times Literary Supplement
Auteurs:Derwent May
Info:HarperCollins UK (2001), Hardcover, 584 pages
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek

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Critical Times: The History of the Times Literary Supplement door Derwent May

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A comprehensive, colourful and entertaining history of 100 years of that great British institution, The Times Literary Supplement, published for its centenary year in 2002. This text is not only a biography of an institution, but it is a reflection of the changes in British literature and culture throughout the 20th century. From its first tenuous year, 1902, when it was conceived of by the then manager of The Times Moberley Bell, to its modern-day incarnation, the Times Literary Supplement has been home to an astonishing assemblage of outstanding writers. This work also reveals for the first time the identities of the journal's anonymous reviewers since 1902 - a tradition which lasted until 1974.

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