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Wayside School gets a little stranger door…
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Wayside School gets a little stranger (origineel 1995; editie 1995)

door Louis Sachar, Joel Schick (Illustrator)

Reeksen: Wayside School (3)

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3,714203,514 (4.03)16
Unusual things continue to happen in the classroom on the thirtieth floor of Wayside School, which was accidentally built sideways with one classroom on each story.
Titel:Wayside School gets a little stranger
Auteurs:Louis Sachar
Andere auteurs:Joel Schick (Illustrator)
Info:New York : Morrow Junior Books, c1995.

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Wayside School Gets a Little Stranger door Louis Sachar (1995)

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21 copies
  PBEBOOKS | Jan 20, 2023 |
As with the other books in this series, this collection of stories about the kids at Wayside School is highly amusing. I enjoyed re-reading it. However, unlike the first two books, this one reads a lot more like different chapters in one main story, instead of individual stories that make up a book. There's a lot more continuity between stories than in book one, especially. If you prefer that kind of book, you will appreciate this. Personally, I missed the separation between stories a bit; it changed the feel of the book, to me. ( )
  ca.bookwyrm | Oct 10, 2022 |
Im only writing a review for the third book in this series because to be honest they sorta melt together in my brain and also I like this one the anyway I love these books they are amazing. I read them and listened to them via audiobook when I was a kid and loved them and are still very entertaining reading them as an adult. These were some of the books that really got me to read for fun. The stories are creative and funny and surprisingly nuanced and I definitely recommend these books. ( )
  mutantpudding | Dec 26, 2021 |
I love how these books hold up and how they stay true to themselves -- despite being written decades apart. They capture the way school is its own complete world, how it works in strange ways that as a child you accept, how its people are larger than life. ( )
  eas7788 | Nov 9, 2020 |
Louis does it again! Our favorite characters are up to their "strange" ways. I love that each novel ends a way that makes a connection to the previous books. ( )
  snickel63 | Aug 21, 2020 |
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» Andere auteurs toevoegen (1 mogelijk)

AuteursnaamRolType auteurWerk?Status
Louis Sacharprimaire auteuralle editiesberekend
Schick, JoelIllustratorSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd
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Unusual things continue to happen in the classroom on the thirtieth floor of Wayside School, which was accidentally built sideways with one classroom on each story.

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Gemiddelde: (4.03)
1 4
1.5 1
2 7
2.5 5
3 55
3.5 18
4 92
4.5 14
5 102

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