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I Am Number Four door Pittacus Lore
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I Am Number Four (origineel 2010; editie 2011)

door Pittacus Lore (Auteur)

Reeksen: The Lorien Legacies (1)

LedenBesprekingenPopulariteitGemiddelde beoordelingAanhalingen
6,3903241,573 (3.55)124
In rural Ohio, friendships and a beautiful girl prove distracting to a fifteen-year-old who has hidden on Earth for ten years waiting to develop the Legacies, or powers, he will need to rejoin the other six surviving Garde members and fight the Mogadorians who destroyed their planet, Lorien.
Titel:I Am Number Four
Auteurs:Pittacus Lore (Auteur)
Info:HarperCollins (2011), Edition: Reprint, 496 pages
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek

Informatie over het werk

Ik ben Nummer Vier door Pittacus Lore (2010)

  1. 104
    Zielen door Stephenie Meyer (Joles)
  2. 00
    The Outsider door Melinda Metz (Vulco1)
    Vulco1: YA. Alien teens. Thrills. Romance. Trying not to let their powers get noticed. Small towns
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1-5 van 323 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)
I read this because I had seen and enjoyed the movie. Highly worthwhile--and well narrated on audio. I only see a handful of other books in this series, but I look forward to reading them all.

Great book for adolescents and older who are interested in science fiction, with a little romance thrown in. ( )
  jennievh | Sep 18, 2024 |
sapevo già che a una seconda lettura la valutazione si sarebbe abbassata, infatti ho letto metà del libro annoiandomi e pensando di essere invecchiata male: una megera acida e disillusa!

Invece no, è l'autore che è un paraculo e che nello stile più basico possibile ci presenta il festival delle banalità!

alieni buoni e belli, spiritualmente evoluti al punto che il pianeta madre regala loro magia e superpoteri (ma solo ad alcuni, gli altri fanno i servi...ho detto servi?? si, servi..però servi evoluti, chiaro) vengono sterminati da alieni cattivi (e brutti eh!!)
Unici sopravvissuti al genocidio e alla devastazione del pianeta (dove ora non c'è più vita, ne vegetale ne animale e non si capisce perchè manco acqua) sono 9 bimbetti in età prescolare con relative babysitter che si nascondono sulla terra dove però sono giunti anche i cattivoni che con un nuovo pianeta da studiare, conquistare e occupare perdono tempo a dare la caccia ai 9 bambini che quindi crescono braccati.
Ciò non impedisce loro di prendersi cotte liceali e mandare a puttane piani di fuga decennali.

(naturalmente gli alieni fighi ed evoluti hanno da sempre aiutato gli umani a progredire: dandoci il fuoco, ingravidandoci qui e là dando vita agli psicopatici Dei greci ma anche ad Einstein, al Mahatma Gandhi ect e costruende le notoriamente molto utili piramidi egizie) ( )
  LLonaVahine | May 22, 2024 |
I found this to be quite enjoyable. The ending felt abrupt but otherwise it was interesting. ( )
  Kiri | Dec 24, 2023 |
I saw the trailer for the movie around a month ago and decided to read the book before the movie came out. I had very high hopes that this book would be nothing less of amazing but I was saddened to learn that it was just mediocre. I really enjoyed the first half of the book. During the second half of the book I found that I kept getting more and more frustrated with each chapter.

Four and his guardian, Henri, are constantly moving around the US to keep from being found by their enemies, the Mogadorians. The Lorien childrien that came to earth had a spell placed upon them that meant that the Mogadorians had to kill each child in order unless 2 of the Lorien children come near each other, then the spell is broken and the Mogadorians can kill them in any order they please. Each time a Lorien child is murdered all the remaining Lorien children receive a scar that forms around their ankle. Each Lorien child lives in a different part of the world to keep the Mogadorians from finding them so easily.

Four and Henri decide to move to a small town in Ohio this time around. He is supposed to lay low and to blend in. You would think that Four would take this serious considering he carries 3 scars around his ankle as a reminder of the 3 Loriens that have already died, but it seems as if he could care less. On the first day of school he gets into an altercation with the school bull and accidentally shows people his first legacy. Even after that he still remains to be careless throughout the entire book. He gets a beautiful (Surpise!) girlfriend and a best friend. Several times his guardian wanted to leave town because not only were the Mogadorians we're close, but also because Four has messed up time after time, leading the Magadorians towards them. Four uses his new powers to his advantage and forces Henri to stay against his better judgement. Even when he knew the Mogadorians had found him he still refused to leave, endangering everyone he cares about.

On the front of the book there is a blurb from Michael Bay that says "Number Four is the hero of our generation" I'm actually baffled at that statement. Four lies through his teeth and puts his own selfish needs before the safety of anyone else, and in the end, it backfires getting people hurt and killed.... But yet we're supposed to sympathize with him? NOT A CHANCE. At one point in the book there is a war going on, a war that he knew was coming if he didn't leave town, and he tells Henri he "didn't know this was going to happen" even though through the whole book Henri is telling him this is exactly what would happen if he wasn't careful.

I also couldn't get past all the holes in the book that left me with lingering questions. For example, If the Loriens sent the kids to earth so that they could come back one day and repopulate their planet, why did they only send 9 kids? Shouldn't they have sent an even number of people? 5 boys and 5 girls? It was made clear that Loriens are monogamous. They find their love and stay with them until they die. So, assuming that they would hope for the best and none of the kids died, why would they send an odd number?

I didn't hate the book, but I didn't like the book either. I still want to see the movie and I honestly think it's going to be better then the book which is a bid deal for me because the book is always better. ( )
  earthglows | Nov 18, 2023 |
I listened to this book as an audiobook.
The story was good but it was either the writing style or maybe It was the way it was read that didn’t sit right with me. I would give the movie four stars.

I’ve seen the movie and liked it. I like that the book went into more detail on some things but on others it felt like it just drags on. The guy reading it made the girls sound ditzy and not like strong characters that they were in the movie.
( )
  Ro1350 | Jun 22, 2023 |
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» Andere auteurs toevoegen (3 mogelijk)

AuteursnaamRolType auteurWerk?Status
Lore, Pittacusprimaire auteuralle editiesbevestigd
Brender, IrmelaVertalerSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd
Kaplan, AdamVertellerSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd
Meer, Joost van derVertalerSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd
Oostendorp, WilliamVertalerSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd
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Informatie afkomstig uit de Engelse Algemene Kennis. Bewerk om naar jouw taal over te brengen.
Belangrijke gebeurtenissen
Verwante films
Ze kregen Nummer Een in Maleisië te pakken.

Nummer Twee in Engeland.

En Nummer Drie in Kenia.

Ze werden alledrie gedood.

Ik ben Nummer Vier.
Ik ben de volgende.

Eerste woorden
De deur begint te trillen.
De gebeurtenissen in dit boek zijn echt.

Om de Zes van Loriën, die zich blijven schuilhouden,
te beschermen zijn namen en plaatsen gefingeerd.

Vat dit op als een waarschuwing.

en bestaan wel degelijk andere beschavingen.

Sommige daarvan streven ernaar jullie te vernietigen.
Laatste woorden
Uitgevers redacteuren
Auteur van flaptekst/aanprijzing
Oorspronkelijke taal
Informatie afkomstig uit de Engelse Algemene Kennis. Bewerk om naar jouw taal over te brengen.
Gangbare DDC/MDS
Canonieke LCC

Verwijzingen naar dit werk in externe bronnen.

Wikipedia in het Engels (2)

In rural Ohio, friendships and a beautiful girl prove distracting to a fifteen-year-old who has hidden on Earth for ten years waiting to develop the Legacies, or powers, he will need to rejoin the other six surviving Garde members and fight the Mogadorians who destroyed their planet, Lorien.

Geen bibliotheekbeschrijvingen gevonden.

John Smith is een jongen met buitengewone krachten. Op de vlucht voor zijn vijanden duikt hij onder op een middelbare school in Amerika, waar hij de populaire Sarah Hart ontmoet. Maar John weet dat hij ooit gevonden zal worden en dan zal hij moeten strijden voor het voortbestaan van zijn volk...

Ze kregen Nummer Een in Maleisië te pakken.
Nummer Twee in Engeland.
En Nummer Drie in Kenia.
Ze werden alledrie gedood.
Ik ben Nummer Vier.
Ik ben de volgende.

We kwamen hier met ons negenen. We zien eruit als jullie. We praten als jullie. We leven net als jullie. Maar we zijn anders. We kunnen dingen doen waar jullie alleen maar van kunnen dromen. We hebben krachten die jullie wildste dromen te boven gaan. We zijn sterker en sneller dan alles en iedereen. We zijn de superhelden uit jullie films en stripverhalen. Maar we bestaan echt.

Ons plan was om te groeien, om te trainen en sterker te worden. Om één te worden en de strijd aan te gaan. Maar voordat we er klaar voor waren, vonden zij ons. Nu jagen zij op ons en zijn we op de vlucht. We proberen onopgemerkt door het leven te gaan, op plekken waar je nooit zou denken om ons te zoeken. We gaan op in de massa en leven als jullie buren, vrienden, klasgenoten, zonder dat jullie het in de gaten hebben.

Maar zij weten het wel...
Haiku samenvatting

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Gemiddelde: (3.55)
0.5 8
1 65
1.5 5
2 164
2.5 26
3 390
3.5 62
4 511
4.5 28
5 305

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