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The School Library Media Manager (Library…
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The School Library Media Manager (Library and Information Science Text Series) (editie 2008)

door Blanche Woolls

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1167243,383 (3.63)Geen
All of the chapters in this popular school library management textbook have been revised and updated. Written in an accessible, conversational style, it is ideal for student use. Traditional management topics are integrated within chapters that provide a complete overview of the profession and all aspects of school library management. Each chapter has student exercises to pique discussion and critical thought, and the tone of the book is that of an instructor discussing what a school library should look like, with an emphasis on the role of the school librarian as educator. The author addresses the development of the school library media center through the changes in K-12 education over time and explores the way such changes affected school libraries. Attention is given to the leadership responsibility to be an advocate at local, state and national levels. The new National Board for Professional Teaching Standards certification for school librarians is discussed as are budget, facilities, cataloging, copyright, selection of materials, staff evaluation and all the other basic managerial functions. The book is current with discussions of the AASL national guidelines and standards, the USA Patriot Act, and the effect of Internet filtering on school libraries.… (meer)
Titel:The School Library Media Manager (Library and Information Science Text Series)
Auteurs:Blanche Woolls
Info:Libraries Unlimited (2008), Edition: 4, Paperback, 269 pages
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek
Trefwoorden:nonfiction, school library media center, media center, education, media program, library media, library, Blanch Woolls, LMS, library media specialist, media specialist, librarian, UWG

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The School Library Media Manager door Blanche Woolls

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The information presented in the book has helped me to understand the different responsibilities of being a Media Specialist.
  rperry123 | Feb 15, 2014 |
Great source for information on managing a school library! ( )
  cnixon612 | Oct 14, 2013 |
A highly recommended book for students in a library media program. Informative, interesting and well written. ( )
  jmcook888 | Apr 11, 2012 |
Comprehensive handbook for media specialists ( )
  kellymaliawilliams | Apr 8, 2012 |
This book is an excellent reference for media specialist. No matter how long a person has been the media specialist or if they are brand new in the field, there are some very good resources in this book. ( )
  sherry52 | Apr 6, 2010 |
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All of the chapters in this popular school library management textbook have been revised and updated. Written in an accessible, conversational style, it is ideal for student use. Traditional management topics are integrated within chapters that provide a complete overview of the profession and all aspects of school library management. Each chapter has student exercises to pique discussion and critical thought, and the tone of the book is that of an instructor discussing what a school library should look like, with an emphasis on the role of the school librarian as educator. The author addresses the development of the school library media center through the changes in K-12 education over time and explores the way such changes affected school libraries. Attention is given to the leadership responsibility to be an advocate at local, state and national levels. The new National Board for Professional Teaching Standards certification for school librarians is discussed as are budget, facilities, cataloging, copyright, selection of materials, staff evaluation and all the other basic managerial functions. The book is current with discussions of the AASL national guidelines and standards, the USA Patriot Act, and the effect of Internet filtering on school libraries.

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