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Cover is hard with padding. There might also be a paperback copy.
HCC_Education_Dept | Sep 4, 2021 |
Book is in perfect condition with sheet of moveable figures still intact. Book ties shut with ribbons or folds completely open and ties to present a three-dimensional representation of a pirate ship with it's crew. Detail is amazing.
Gmomaj | Dec 15, 2019 |
Definitely read after finishing both games.

My poor suicidal bb who I identify with way too much T_T

poor bb, want to snuggle his little partridgey self. WHY CAN'T WE HAVE EVERYONE BE HAPPY?!
Daumari | Dec 30, 2017 |
This book is called “Betty and Veronicas guide to Life.”I think that this is a very good book. Not only is it fun, but it also gives us information about how to handle problems when they come. It helps suggest solutions for the problems that we have like problems about friendship, love, dating, fashion and etc. It also includes statistics and perspectives from other people about what they think of the problem and what they would suggest. I picked this book because it uses my favorite characters in Archie Comics like Betty and Veronica, and I have read most of their comic books.
Fairy12 | Sep 15, 2010 |
I love pirates! This book is cool because I can place the stickers where I want all the time.
Mikelodeon | Feb 2, 2008 |
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