Afbeelding van de auteur.

Christie AndersonBesprekingen

Auteur van Deep Blue Secret

6 Werken 326 Leden 6 Besprekingen


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This book was interesting and well-written. It wasn't an "I can't put it down" book, but it was good. I would read more by the author.
eheinlen | 4 andere besprekingen | Jan 27, 2014 |
Sadie is a girl who has a wonderful life. Boys love her, she has a best friend who would do anything for her, and her and her mother are immensely close. So if this is indeed the case, why isn't she happier? Sadie has been having bouts of depression and sadness. At first, they occurred quite a ways apart, but lately they have been getting closer and closer together with less and less time of true happiness in between. What could possibly be wrong with her? An encounter with a strange boy with sparkling green eyes could be the answer.

Rayne was assigned to keep Sadie safe. And he does just that when he saves her from drowning. She is only a job for him. Like any other assignment, he must keep a professional attitude towards her. But that becomes hard when they seem to forge a bond together. A bond that, in Rayne's eyes, is just the effect of his saving her. It is nothing to worry about, so long as he keeps his distance, which becomes harder and harder to do.

When a criminal of Rayne's world finds out about Sadie and threatens her life, Rayne will do anything to protect her. And in the process, he might just find how deep this bond really goes.

I absolutely loved this book. The descriptions of Rayne's eyes (which are very important to the story, by the way) and even Sadie's (again, important) are so vivid and beautiful. The characters are very realistic. The places and situations are described to the point where I feel like I am actually there. This author did an amazing job writing this, and I cannot wait to check out the other installments of this series.
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westkayla1221 | 4 andere besprekingen | Jan 20, 2014 |
I was thrilled to get the chance to read the sequel to Deep Blue Secret so soon after completing the book because I am honestly addicted to this series. You know what's difficult about reviewing so many amazing books? If they are in a series, I am literally dying on this side of the screen to read the next book. I bet you wouldn't find it surprising if I told you I am probably the most impatient person you'll ever meet. Waiting is not my talent so the fact that I didn't have to wait is perfect for me. This book just made me fall more in love with the characters and now I am anxiously awaiting the next book. This is why I should only read completed series. LOL I'm joking.

Rogue Wave by Christie Anderson picks up right after the ending of the first book and it starts out in Ash's perspective, the son of the bad guy from the previous novel. They say mourning the loss of someone you love can push you into the darkness and this seems to only prove it. As the darkness overtakes Ash, Rayne and Sadie live in blissful unawareness of the horrors that await them. But Sadie is tried of pretending to be a couple with Rayne who claims that their love is nothing more than the Healing Water's bonding properties. She wants distance from him. He wants to be with her, no matter the consequences. Love can do that to a person, even when they are in denial. Finally she gains enough nerve to push him away, however it is at the wrong moment. Evil has its sights set on Rayne and Sadie and it plans to make them pay for their past deeds. Now, her mom is involved along with her mom's boyfriend who seems to be playing for the wrong side. Everything gets more complicated as lines are drawn and betrayals occur. But nothing could've prepared Sadie for this. Will they survive this fight against darkness and time? What will become of Rayne and Sadie as they face separation? Will love conquer all or will evil prevail?

Last review I praised the quality of the world this author created and I was thrilled that I actually got to see more of this world than in the previous book. I think it is easy to take for granted the work put behind the creation of this story but I can tell that this world is more complex than I realized. In some ways, I kind of want to actually believe this world exists. When I start thinking that, you should know that I love the story.

Sadie, the main character, grew up a lot in this story. She struggles with the desire to just let things be what they are with Rayne because of the deep connection they seem to have. She is hurt that he seems to put up some sort of line between them and she hates that she can't cross it. Her feelings keep getting hurt because she can't act on them and so, I was thrilled when she took a stand. I was worried that she would never put herself first in these stories. In someways, I agree that selflessness is an important quality for all main characters to have because once they become selfish, it's almost like you can't handle being around them. But I think a healthy dose of perspective and selfishness is needed for any character to survive. I feel like I am going about this all differently than I typically do but she needed to find herself. She is still the same people person she was in the first book and I love the fact that her group of friends always seems to be growing. She seems to have a million friends, yet she never forgets any of them and she is just as close with one as she is with another. I wish I was that capable. It's an admirable quality. She is still extremely protective of those she loves and I think this sense of need to defend them has only grown stronger. She would jump in front of a car to save her best friend if she had to. That is probably what I love most about her.

Her mom still plays a huge role in the story, which I am grateful for. I always hated when parents slowly fade into the background as series progress and suddenly it's as if the characters never had a parent to begin with. I love that her mom is just as important in this book as she was in the past one. She still works as a nurse and in fact, she is dating one of the doctors that works in the hospital as well. Of course, this dating was with Sadie's approval and even urging. She shows a great deal of strength as she stands up for the man she is growing to love and struggles to maintain her relationship with her daughter. I can see a lot of Sadie's personality in her as they talk, fight, and bond. I think her heartache was the hardest to read as the series has continued and I hope that Sadie will never have to face the same fate that her mom has. She is someone that I think everyone can admire and adore. It makes me grateful for my mom because I can see my mom in this character as well.

Rayne, the boy with the sparkly green eyes, has now become a major character in this story and a lot of his background comes to light as the story progresses. He actually gets to have a lot of time as the narrator of the story, showing his emotions as Sadie pushes him away. Throughout the story, he makes a lot of mistakes but it seems like she seems to balance him out. He allows her into his life, determined to keep nothing from her now that he has realized the truth about his feelings. He is in love with her and he will do anything to keep her by his side for as long as she will have him. All of his protective qualities still remain in this story and that causes a little tiff between the two sweethearts as they struggle to protect one another from danger.

Hamlin, the Ambassador for the place where Rayne is from, plays a huge part in this book instead of remaining in the background like he did in prior books. I got to learn a lot about his role in having Rayne placed with Sadie and the relationships that created such a toxic environment between Voss and his own kind. I loved the opportunity to get to learn about such a mysterious character. He seemed like such a puzzle and all I wanted to do was solve him. I can't wait to see what happens in the next book when it comes to his future and his story. Now, I know about his past and I do not dislike him anymore than I dislike Rayne. You'll find out what his role is once you read the book.

Ash is the bad guy for this novel which I have a really hard time with. I hate when people grieve so much that they lose their sense of morality and right from wrong. He is such a sympathetic character that I had a hard time wanting anything bad to happen to him and I knew Rayne would be hurt if something did happen. Even though they had a falling out, I know that they still care about each other underneath it all. At least I hope they do. Perhaps that will be the saving grace when this all comes to an end. I got to see a lot more of his devious, manipulative, and dark side that definitely should have scared me away but instead I felt pity. I felt sad that his grief pushed him to this point. He deserved to be happy but he apparently didn't see it that way.

I can't wait for the next book. Read this series and tell me what you think. Who knows, maybe you might like it just as much as I do!
BailsChris | Mar 15, 2013 |
When I first began this story, I wasn't sure what I would think about it because it seemed like such an unassuming tale during the first chapter. But just as quickly as I set this idea in my head about how the book was going to turn out, it suddenly made my pulse race and my eyes were glued to the words. I was desperate to know more about this story and this is coming from a girl who wasn't confident in the idea that I would even mildly enjoy it. Ha! This book was a wonderful read. I really did like it once everything truly got going.

Deep Blue Secret by Christie Anderson is the story of Sadie, a girl who believes her life is perfect and has the greatest people in her life. But suddenly her life just isn't so awesome anymore. Her life is spiked with depression, causing her to lose interest in everything she used to love at sporadic moments. She doesn't know what is causing this sudden loss of who she is and she is desperately trying to keep her life together before it falls apart completely. That is when a boy appears in her life with vibrant green eyes that seem to shine and look familiar to her in a way she doesn't understand. What she does understand though is that whenever he is around, she feels safe and at peace like she might just be happy again. There is a catch with this strange boy; he refuses to get close to her. Everything about him is shrouded with secrets that he guards obsessively and she wants to know why. What is this boy's secret? Why is she suddenly facing such strong bouts of depression? How can she feel safe with someone that she hardly knows? It seems that her life might've just gotten more complicated.

The writing in this story is very relatable for me and the author seems to have mastered the talent of bringing a teenage voice to the story. This style, of course, has benefits and disadvantages but for me, I really enjoyed the story as it was written. I like the fact that it reminds me of the way some of the stories I've written sound and it reminds me a lot of some of my other favorite stories. The plot of the story is pretty amazing and well thought out. The world the author created is complex with its own history, way of life, foods, and work. I always love seeing how much work is put into the creation of a story and this just proves my point.

The lovely main character for this tale is Sadie, a friendly, loving, and protective girl who just wants to have a happy life. I love the fact that she is a romantic in a world of cynics. She has this desire to live a fairy tale and have her happily ever after. If anyone deserves it, it would be her and her mom, of course. She has a kind heart and a stubborn mind. Because of the kindness that seems to rule her actions, she has a hard time ever telling anyone no or pushing answers out of people. If I were to tag a title on her I would definitely say she is a pushover in the beginning. I didn't particularly love that quality but she grew up a lot in the story and somehow managed to gain some self confidence which gave her the power to just say no. One thing that I adore about her is the fact that she has never been kissed. I think that is another show of her romantic notions. She wants it to be with someone she loves, someone who loves her back, and she wants it to be perfect. You only get your first kiss once, right? She can't help but feel smitten towards the boy with the familiar green eyes and that leads to her being unable to get him out of her head even though she is certain he feels nothing towards her. Now, I've heard of this sort of thing before where the main character writes letters to some person who will never receive them as a venting process. I adore the fact that she is writing to the father she never knew and that she is open about everything she is feeling. Depressed or happy, she wants her father to be a part of her life even if he didn't want to be.

Her mom is definitely full of energy, something that I wish I could say was the same about me but I am more like Sadie in that way. She works as a nurse at the nearby hospital, working sometimes crazy hours and that leads to them spending sporadic amounts of time together. Determined to keep their relationship close, she and Sadie spend one night a week together doing girl stuff and reconnecting over random activities they plan. I admire her strength and willingness to sacrifice everything for her daughter. Her goal in life seems to be making sure her daughter is happy and has a good life. She still mourns the fact that Sadie's father doesn't take part in her life at all but instead of being upset that he left her alone, she continues to ache for his presence in her life. It's pretty hearbreaking. I think that she deserves a happily ever after, whether it is with the man who is Sadie's father or someone new. She is too awesome to be left alone for the rest of her life.

I'm going to put a name to the pretty boy with the green eyes because I really think that it is too hard to type that every time I mention him in this paragraph. Anyway, his name is Rayne. Just getting that out of the way before I dive into his character. He is assigned to protect Sadie and watch over her to make sure that no harm comes to her as she grows up. But there is a catch. He cannot be seen by her and forming an attachment with her is strictly forbidden by the people who are in charge of him. It is clear through the story that he is struggling to maintain a formal relationship with the beautiful main character but his sense of honor seems to cloud any chance of giving into their attraction. Which is frustrating, trust me. His job is that of a Water Keeper, meant to heal and aid people who have lost their way in life and bring them the happiness they seek through this thing called the Healing Water. When he began to feel something towards Sadie, he blamed it on the bond created through the continued use of the Healing Water and that their feelings aren't actually real. But he better see the light or else I'm going to write a really epic rant about him.

I know, I know, there is a million other characters that I should and could discuss during this review but I think that this is enough for now. Go read it, my friends. It's definitely worth it.
BailsChris | 4 andere besprekingen | Mar 13, 2013 |
Anderson offers a creative alternate world that will give a readers a relax from the the typical paranormal story. Admittedly, I found found this book slightly frustrating. While I loved the characters, and could see the potential growing through this book; it was obvious that the climax was not going to be reached in this particular book. Sadie is a very special and down to earth character that readers will enjoy. This mystery of her past will keep readers guessing with this easy paced story. The alternate world that Anderson has previewed throughout the book still remains a mystery holding my attraction to this story. My overall impression of this read is a enjoyable and imaginative read.
BookWhisperer | 4 andere besprekingen | Oct 30, 2011 |
Sadie lives a charmed life. She has great friends, an awesome mom, an a great place to live. However, she's been noticing a random boy. A random boy for whom she feels a very strong and mysterious attraction. After a severe car accident, Sadie soon learns the true nature of her relationship to this boy. Sadie has a heritage she had no clue about, and her life is soon to take a dramatic turn.

This was a very unique and original idea. I was a bit confused at the beginning, but it all fell into place the longer I read. Sadie was a pretty easy character to like. One thing I particularly liked involved the attraction of Sadie and Rayne. It is common in YA novel to find the heroine suddenly attracted to a mysterious boy for no reason. I've never really enjoyed this aspect of YA books, but I've just kind of learned to overlook this aspect. This author took the chance to take something that's almost expected of YA books and have an actual explanation. One that helped propel that plot. That was pretty awesome.

One thing I do wish we got more of was an explanation as to how the "other" world Sadie learned about (for lack of a better term) worked. It was hinted at, but I never really got a good grasp of how that reality was connected to Sadie's reality. Are the different worlds? Alternate realities? I'm not really sure even after finishing the book. In the end though, that didn't take away from my overall enjoyment. This book has an interesting plot and a lot of romance. I thought this was a great book, and I definitely want to read the next book.

Book provided for review.
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l_manning | 4 andere besprekingen | Oct 21, 2011 |
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