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THE WREN offers a sweet and short coverage of the life of wrens by British naturalist Edward A. Armstrong.

It is a pleasure to read, notably with the photographs.
m.belljackson | Aug 4, 2023 |
I liked the book and found the analysis of Shakespeare by way of image clusters fascinating. The book seems to settle on the use of image clusters as a way to authenticate the authorship of a piece rather than evidence of the psychology of the author. I enjoyed reading this until around the 16th or 17th chapters and felt that the book had run out of steam and needed to get to the point. I also am not fond of the paragraphs presenting racist thought (pgs. bottom 179-180). Fortunately, that sentiment did not permeate the work and was contained in that paragraph near the end of the work. It did knock my enjoyment of the book down another peg, however.
If you like Shakespeare and want to dig deep into the image clusters present in his work and why they may be there and have the associations that he gave them then I would recommend this. That is, of course, if you don't mind such erudite text and archaic references as found here.
Ranjr | Jul 13, 2023 |
Animals, Religious aspects, Christianity, Christian hagiography, Christian saints, Cult, History of doctrines, Middle Ages, 600-1500, Saint Francis of Assisi, 1182-1226, Legends
newmancenter | Feb 8, 2008 |
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