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Stephen ArseneaultBesprekingen

Auteur van Messenger

69 Werken 541 Leden 24 Besprekingen


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Not sure really. It has a fast pace and overall it tempts me to continue the series, but as others have mentioned this first book is more of the frenzied wet dreams of a prepper than a proper dystopian or sci-fi read. Really goes all out in portraying the almost immediate collapse of society and gangs of roving marauders immediately coming out of the woodwork, and “government” sitting on its ass. I can see the Bookclub for Yokels (TM) sitting around guffawing and saying “tol’ ya so” as they listen to the abridged audiobook version. Objectivists will swoon over the hero’s value of self-interest over society. But beside these criticisms the pacing and narrative is ok, maybe even well-crafted at times- the author shows a skill beyond the plot.
One other thing I’d question is there are some bits of dialog that almost, not quite, seem intended to break the fourth wall, in a way- to comment on the predicament they have gotten themselves into. Devices that might work in a screenplay as a breather (“well joe, did you think last week at putt-putt we’d be killing zombies and using their skulls to make freezer pops?”) but are, at best, superfluous non-sequiturs in a book.
kokeyama | 1 andere bespreking | May 25, 2024 |
Terrible writing, good idea.

Terrible editing, the entire book is in passive voice, which is terrible, and dialogs are never clearly marked. Terrible book over all, even though the story was good.
NitinKhanna | 1 andere bespreking | Jun 13, 2023 |
Stephen is an author whose books I will read without hesitation. He provides an adventure that whisks you across the galaxy in a well thought out storyline. Corporation Wars is not my favourite series (hence only four stars) but is still a great way to pass some 'me' time.
KarenCollyer | Oct 26, 2020 |
The Squad are a great bunch of humans, who together with Xurpok, work as mercenaries, fighting against the Maxans.
As usual, Stephen has created some well thought out battles for his Marines. These stories are described as 'lunch time reads', I would love to see some longer battles for the team as well.
KarenCollyer | Oct 26, 2020 |
Before this series arrived, I was a bit unsure. I had seen the cover and I wasn't sure if this was going to be ok for me. I should have trusted Stephen to get it right. I have just finished re-reading them now and I still enjoyed them.
KarenCollyer | Oct 26, 2020 |
Overlapping genres slightly is great ... after all, who wants to live in a pigeonhole? A great story, well presented.
KarenCollyer | Oct 26, 2020 |
AMP is my favourite of all Stephen's sets of books. I followed the Gray Ghouls and Don Grange as they saved the human race in any number of battles. Definitely one of my 'go to' stories.
KarenCollyer | Oct 26, 2020 |
A series of books with no direct speech and no charcter names is very brave because those are a large part of what helps a reader to identify with the lead character. I have to say that Stephen manages it beautifully. I would recommend reading this series first, then reading AMP, then reading Sodium again. Everything becomes incredibly clear.
KarenCollyer | Oct 26, 2020 |
This book took me on a space adventure like no other I had read before. I especially like the series based around a humanoid but clearly not human character. The author clearly knows his business because he did a good job keeping the plot rolling and revealing the character description and background only as necessary. I am trying to remember exactly when I started this series and my Kindle account is failing to tell me because I have been through too many devices. I will say that my wife was wondering what was keeping my attention on my Ipad for quite awhile.
bdinsman | 1 andere bespreking | Sep 10, 2020 |
Okay so now Knog is conscripted deliberately so he can find his family (the whole planet got conscripted). Pitchforks and knives against blasters anyone?
bdinsman | Sep 10, 2020 |
Knog takes the fight back to the rulers. I find myself cheering for this well built tank person.
bdinsman | Sep 10, 2020 |
I like the blurb on this one, extremely descriptive:Empires are destroyed. Whole populations are lost. The Universe can be a brutal and unforgiving place. Prior greatness does not ensure future longevity. Will a new and powerful ship bolster the New Alliance? Or will it cause its demise...

bdinsman | Sep 10, 2020 |
The adventure continues as Knog works toward saving many universes. Again, no spoilers but to say I was hooked is a monstrous understatement
bdinsman | Sep 10, 2020 |
As I read the last one I felt satisfied, but now of course I visited the author's page I see he's been busy while I wasn't paying attention. So I just downloaded AMP book 1. He has actually published quite a few since 2015, so I have a lot of catching up to do.
bdinsman | Sep 10, 2020 |
Editing or better explanations

Final chapter Teldaki miners liberated. Next paragraph says about 40,000 decided to return home. Two pages later: al 119,234 decided to stay to become fighters. Either I am reading (skimming) too fast or the author needs to engage an editor
bdinsman | Sep 10, 2020 |
I like Stephen's Science Fiction/Fantasy take on all this because I don't always want a serious reading. I read a negative critique about the writer (venture to say jealousy perhaps) concerning his lack of serious scientific consideration of his stories. I like to have fun with my fiction reading. I read some of the reviews and they really weren't that kind. I am opening the next book in my Kindle reader as we speak if that tells you anything.
bdinsman | 2 andere besprekingen | Sep 10, 2020 |

Okay, so I may have to revisit my reviews as I get through this series again. I read the whole thing about 2 years ago or so. So this book has Knog exiled to Omega sector and he quickly gets into his butt-kicking ways and upsets some people. I'm not going to plot spoilers, but he is one bad dude. Repeating what I like about this series. The protagonist is clearly humanoid but not human. Knowing this makes me more keenly evaluate other protagonists in science fiction action stories.
bdinsman | Sep 10, 2020 |
So AI was responsible for all of this? Who knew? Knog continues his bumbling success to rebuild a new alliance. I think this was too short, so let's try again. Knog is on the job and fully energized. I like that he is essentially self armored.
bdinsman | Sep 10, 2020 |
Raging space adventure. How do you review a great action sequence like this without giving away some plot? In 3 books he goes from Messenger Pilot to saving the whole galaxy? Wow, now that is some dude huh? But what the author does a good job of is a great supporting cast. Like his alien engineer for instance; the retired Marine Colonel engaged to train and lead ground troops. Blasters can be disabled but the traditional AK 47 and grenades don't require an energy source.
bdinsman | Sep 10, 2020 |
Aliens and high tech

For all of you that love to find something wrong with a book or an author, I suggest you try to come up with good stuff that people buy. Only a few glitches here and there, but definitely another rocket ride
bdinsman | Sep 10, 2020 |
Another Rocket Ride

Critics can say what they want, but the author has done a great action series in space numerous times, developed multiple story lines and literally dozens of species including sentient androids. Going for book 6 now.
bdinsman | Sep 10, 2020 |
When do alien species - with an entirely different anatomy, physiology, culture, child-rearing system, etc - think, talk and act exactly like human beings? In this book. The purported alien pov was what hooked me into reading this. Delivery - a human pov in an alien costume. At best, mediocre SFF. DNF.½
PitcherBooks | 1 andere bespreking | Nov 13, 2018 |
Well written adventure scifi somewhat in the vein of EE Doc Smith. Although not hard scifi there is a good enough nod to science to make it enjoyable and somewhat believable. Good enough to make me want to read more in the series.
bness2 | 2 andere besprekingen | May 23, 2017 |
This is the story of a space age, nonunion, "Fed Ex" sort of speak courier, Don Grange, who makes the most out of opportunity. Through his endeavors, he comes across a stolen technology that came in handy to save his life. After maximizing his use for this technology, him and his partner begins to live the good life until they get a chance to play hero. The Malgari is a race bent on the destruction of the human race. When Don and his partner decides to start attacking Malgari post, Malgari spies begin a covert plot against them that leads to confiscation of their riches and puts them on the run. But through exile, Don finds a way to turn things around.

The author conveniently included the first chapter of the second book, Private War, at the end of Messenger. I will continue to read this series.
TerrillDavis | 2 andere besprekingen | Jan 8, 2014 |
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