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Cynthia St. AubinBesprekingen

Auteur van Unlovable

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Hanna Harvey is in a bad patch. She's recently divorced and can't find a job. In order to find something to support herself and her three cats, she's willing to embellish her resume quite a bit. As a lover of art and art history, she thinks she'd be great as an assistant in an art gallery.

Mark Abernathy, gallery owner and hottie, offers her a job as his assistant. She can't wait to organize his chaotic office and help with the quirky artists who are resident in the gallery. From a misogynistic guy who's the best-selling artist to the quirky guy paints portraits of animals to the nearly blind old lady who also paints, Hanna has a lot to coordinate.

Hanna doesn't need to draw the attention of police detective James Morrison who's sure her boss is a serial killer. However, bodies of women Abernathy dates do keep turning up.

I listened to the audiobook of this title. The narrator really bought all the characters to life. I loved the personality of the quirky Hanna and the mysterious Abernathy. Hunter did a great job with the pacing of the story too.
kmartin802 | 1 andere bespreking | May 11, 2024 |
Unassailable by Cynthia St Aubin
The Case Files of Dr Matilda Schmidt, Paranormal Psychologist series #5. Best read in series order.
Dr. Matilda Schmidt heads to Hilton Head for a break from the chaos that has become her life. Trying to escape the paranormal is an exercise in futility. She can now see ghosts and has a pirate with no pants asking for her help.

Is it Liam or Crixus or both that have made such an uproar in her life? Maybe it was the leprechaun. Matilda gets help from Liam to help the pirate and ends up in an unusual situation. (No spoilers from me but think “l o v e”.)
It’s a crazy new life for Matilda.
Ridiculous, amusing and all out entertaining.
Madison_Fairbanks | Feb 8, 2024 |
I think my biggest issue with this book was the inconsistency in tone.

Sometimes it reads very much like a comedy but at other times it's dead serious and deals out really heavy emotions. This caused bad emotional whiplash and a kind of cognitive dissonance for me.

The entire plot is executed in a fundamentally silly way which undermines all the seriousness. As a consequence, I disliked reading the serious stuff because the surrounding goofy atmosphere invalidated it all somehow. I felt like the book disrespected the heavy feelings of its own cast and my own emotional investment with it.
I was so on board with the more serious tone that the realization of how much it would be subverted by the humor just made me lose the drive to continue.
That is not to say the humor is bad or anything. I actually enjoyed most of it a lot. It was cheeky and cute. I just couldn't handle both at the same time.

I think this is mostly a "me" problem.
omission | Oct 19, 2023 |
Unhoppy by Cynthia St Aubin
The Case Files of Dr Matilda Schmidt, Paranormal Psychologist series book #3. Paranormal mystery romance with humor.
A Depressed Easter bunny with one leg shows up for help from Matilda. He’s tried to off himself eight times. Today. Add in Adonis who no woman can resist, including Matilda , plus a blackmailer with photos of Matilda in a comprising position with Matilda, well, it adds up to a bad day for her. And her fish. Now, Adonis only wants Matilda instead of his wives, which of course, brings the two goddesses into picture and it’s a free-for-all.

Mad cap adventures with laugh out loud antics and unimaginable craziness. A paranormal romance series that defies reality and sadness.
I’ll be reading more of these case files soon.
Madison_Fairbanks | 2 andere besprekingen | Aug 24, 2023 |
Love Sucks by Cynthia St Aubin
Tails from the Alpha Art Gallery series, Book 2. Paranormal mystery / romantic comedy.
Someone is killing werewolves.
History addict Hanna Harvey meets a few famous artists while working at the art gallery. Who knew the paranormal world was so extensive. Murder and mystery has her in the middle of problems, conflicts and romance.

Hanna’s commentary is so flipping funny. I have to admit meeting Vincent Van Gogh and Toulouse Lautrec, not to mention thee others, might have me babbling too.
I can’t wait to continue this series!

Hilarious, sarcastic, romantic and bingable.
Madison_Fairbanks | Aug 12, 2023 |
Marlowe has been sent by her father to inspect the books of the 4 Thieves Distillery. Marlowe is to determine if an investment into this business is worth it. But, Law has other ideas. He has had Marlowe on his brain since he ran into her at a party. Can Marlowe resist his charms…NO!

I read this book in one sitting…or rather one night of insomnia. I really enjoyed the characters. And there were places I laughed out loud. And of course, who can resist Law…ooooolala! And Marlowe! She is a smart lady with a kick!

Great job Cynthia St. Aubin!

Need a fast paced romance which will keep you entertained from start to finish…THIS IS IT! Grab your copy today!

I received this novel from the publisher for a honest review.
fredreeca | Oct 24, 2022 |
Love Bites by Cynthia St Aubin
Tails from the Alpha Art Galley series #1. Paranormal mystery romance.
Hanna takes a job at an art gallery and is soon in the middle of more than she could imagine might be real. From a mysterious gallery owner, to the usual artists, to the police investigator, Hanna’s world is changed forever.

“Monkey spirit doesn’t want to sell, I noted on my pad, this job had officially become responsible for the some of the strangest sentences I had ever spoken, written or thought in my life.”

Entertaining. I can’t wait to read more of this series. The last sentence in the book is a shocker and a great hook to continue.
Madison_Fairbanks | 1 andere bespreking | Jul 31, 2022 |
Unlovable by Cynthia St Aubin
The Case Files of Dr Matilda Schmidt, Paranormal Psychologist series #1
Paranormal romantic comedy novella. Hook at very end for next adventure.
Matilda’s office is overrun by a Demi-god with Cupid in tow. Apparently Cupid needs counseling. Before Matilda even realizes what’s going on, she is kidnapped by a bounty hunter and is driving across the States with a gun to her side and a miniaturized Cupid in her purse.

Wacky and off-the-wall, this “case file” is laugh-out-loud funny and raunchy in the best way. I loved the scene when she jumps up on the chair when little boy Cupid runs straight for Matilda. That’s she returning the interest of all the hot men around her, makes me really wonder where this series is going! I can’t wait for the next case.

🎧 I listened to an audiobook version narrated by Hollie Jackson. The performance was phenomenal in voices differences and timing. The humor came through clearly even listening to this at 1.5, which is my current preferred speed for easy listening.
Madison_Fairbanks | 4 andere besprekingen | Jul 23, 2022 |
Although this book was rather short and the plot was rather bizarre, I absolutely loved it. I've always had a facination with mythology and all things like that, so to have a demigod and all those kind of things in one book was absolutely lovely. Also, because this book is so quick to read, I enjoyed it a lot. It's a very nice read between heavier novels and it's also hilarious. I have to say I cannot wait to read more books from this series because I totally loved it.
AllAndAnyBooks | 4 andere besprekingen | Sep 17, 2020 |
Lying Low is the second in the Jane Avery Mysteries seris by Cynthia St. Aubin. This was a fluffy, fun, quick read, perfect for a rainy weekend. Jane is continues to be her crude, foul-mouthed self, getting into absurd situations as she fumbles her way through solving the mystery behind her mom's disappearance. At the same time, Jane also has to solve a murder to clearn her name as primary suspect. The plot twists and turns so much I had no idea whodunit and the logic behind how we got to the big reveal was a bit confusing. Still, this was worth reading for the LARP section alone. Jane as a purple elf queen was laugh out loud hilarious.
Narilka | Jan 18, 2020 |
Jane Avery is at her graduation from law school. Just as she's about to walk across the stage as part of the ceremony Jane scans the audience, noticing that her mother is missing. Which is odd. Alexis Avery, one of the top private eye's in Denver, does not just go missing. After the ceremony Jane's worry increases when she finds her mother's car in the parking lot with the window smashed in. Unsure what else to do Jane begins to dig into the last case Alexis was working on. The investigation soon leads Jane down a dark rabbit hole of kidnapping, bribery, blackmail, hired assassins, and murder.

Private Lies is the first in the Jane Avery Mysteries by Cynthia St. Aubin. Jane is quite a character. She's brash, foul-mouthed, obsessed with sex (though she never gets any), overly snarky and a pathological liar. It was very hard to like her in the beginning and I didn't find her a very believable 28 year old - she acted more like she was 18, not someone who had been seriously studying law. The supporting cast is mostly male, all of which are ultra hot. Now that I think about it, it's almost a YA mystery/romance that never quite gets to the sex. Anyway, it took me about half the story to warm up to Jane and to find her antics funny. The dialog is heavy on the snarky banter which sometimes worked, sometimes didn't. The story was light and fluffy, though eye-roll inducing at times. Not a bad little mystery. I'll probably look up the second book at some point.
Narilka | 2 andere besprekingen | Nov 29, 2018 |
Jane Avery's mother walked out of Jane's law school graduation ceremony, something Jane knew could never ever happen. Something bad pulled Mrs. Avery away, probably something to do with her work as a private eye. Jane sets out to find her and we follow along.

Jane is the new style detective – young, brash and female. She likes sex and she has a big mouth attached to a smart brain with a few loose wires. Too young to be emotionally complex, an easy character to write.

More interesting is the villain Mr. Valentine. It's extraordinary how he can be a captain of business and a lush.

I am sure the Jane Avery series will be popular. It just seems as if I have been reading the same book a lot recently.

I received a review copy of "Private Lies: Jane Avery Mysteries, Book 1" by Cynthia St. Aubin (Thomas & Mercer) through
Dokfintong | 2 andere besprekingen | Jul 8, 2018 |
St. Aubin has definitely caught my interest. I loved this book! I couldn't put it down!! The only disappointment was I wanted more, so I am off to start book 2! I would recommend this to anyone who enjoys paranormal or a good comedy!
Kristinah | 4 andere besprekingen | May 8, 2018 |
This is my go-to trilogy when I am in need of a laugh! All three books will have you holding your sides! All three books are fantastic! Cynthia St. Aubin really knows how to write a great paranormal romantic comedy!! If I were you, I would go ahead and buy Dysfunctional because when you get done with Unlovable you will be ready to buy the second and third book in this trilogy!! I would recommend this to anyone who loves paranormal and a good laugh!
Kristinah | May 8, 2018 |
I absolutely love Cynthia St. Aubin. This book was just as good as the first one. As I am sure the third one will be just as good. Books cannot get much funnier than this!
Kristinah | 3 andere besprekingen | May 8, 2018 |
Fun read!

So when Kerrigan Byrne (one of my fav author's) said this was a great read, I just had to follow suit. And it is a great read! Jane Avery is a fabulous character, with an unusual mother and and even more unusual upbringing. Having just graduated from law school, and having missed out on being valedictorian by three-tenths of a GPA point ( pay attention this slim margin is a recurring mantra for our girl), Jane steps off the stage of her graduation ceremony to find her mother has disappeared.
When I say Jane's upbringing was unusual, I mean UNUSUAL! Did I mention that Alex Avery is a Private Investigator
Put that together with Jane's quest for her mother's whereabouts, various hard ball characters, the laconic Jane with a mouth that opens and utters, well, amazing things, and you have a fun, eye blinking sort of read.

A NetGalley ARC
eyes.2c | 2 andere besprekingen | Apr 30, 2018 |
Matilda is being blackmailed and her mother is kidnapped while she is trying to deal with Goldilocks, the three werebears, and her jealousy. Liam and Cricux aren't helping with their jealousy either. Rolly is involved and Matilda definitely goes above and beyond what any woman should have to go.

Fun! Now I need to get the next books in the series because I want to know what happens.
Sheila1957 | Dec 7, 2015 |
This go-round has Matilda trying to save a suicidal Easter Bunny while dealing with the affect Adonis has on her and all the female population.

Wild and fun read! Perfect for a Saturday night at home. I'll take Adonis!
Sheila1957 | 2 andere besprekingen | Dec 7, 2015 |
Matilda now needs to help a leprechaun with split personalities while dealing with an Irish gang who thinks she stole gold from them.

This is just a fun quirky read! I like Mathilda and Liam. I'm still not sure about Cricux.
Sheila1957 | 3 andere besprekingen | Dec 7, 2015 |
Matilda is a psychologist who gets dragged into the paranormal world to help heal the damaged psyches of myths and demigods. Cupid is thrown on her couch so she may cure him and get him back into shooting his arrow so people will fall in love. While she's trying to help Cupid she is kidnapped by a hitman for a debt she supposedly incurred.

These are quirky characters, quirky stories, and I want to read more. This was plain out fun!
Sheila1957 | 4 andere besprekingen | Dec 7, 2015 |
I absolutely love Cynthia St. Aubin. This book was just as good as the first one. As I am sure the third one will be just as good. Books cannot get much funnier than this!
Kristinah | 3 andere besprekingen | Jun 13, 2014 |
Unhoppy (The Case Files of Dr. Matilda Schmidt, Paranormal Psychologist #3) by Cynthia St. Aubin

In book three of The Case Files of Dr. Matilda Schmidt, Paranormal Psychologist, Matilda is being blackmailed with photos taken in the first book of her with Liam and Cupid. Plus, she is trying to stop a suicidal Easter Bunny from killing himself. Oh and Crixus enlist her help with a new client, Adonis, yes, the Adonis; unfortunately, her involvement with the god of beauty and desire, inadvertently upsets Aphrodite and Persephone, making Matilda the target of their wrath.

Matilda Schmidt’s life just keeps getting more interesting. Cynthia St. Aubin created another hilarious tale. This was my favorite book in the series so far.

I could totally picture cute and cuddly, Marvin J. Cuddlesrein. The suicidal fluffy Easter Bunny was adorable. I love the contrast of his appearance and his truck driver mouth.

I also, really enjoyed how all the men in Matilda’s life are so jealous of each other, to the point of mentally taking each other out.

I like that the series builds upon each other, including material from previous stories (blackmail photos). I also appreciate the length of the books. It makes it easy to read in one sitting; even so, there is so much outrageous stuff that takes place in this short story. Unhoppy had me laughing the entire time. It’s a fun read for people that like modern-day mythology and laughing.

Complimentary copy provided in exchange for an honest review.
dlynch | 2 andere besprekingen | May 13, 2014 |
Just when Dr. Matilda Schmidt, Paranormal Psychologist, thinks her life is going to get back to normal demigod Crixus pays her another visit: this time the prospective client is a leprechaun. Of course, things are never that simple and Matilda is also reunited with Las Vegas hit man Liam Whatshisface, who warns Matilda that an Irish Street gang has accused her of stealing their gold.

Matilda’s life just keeps getting more interesting. Her adventures are crazy entertaining. The Leprechauns kept me giggling. Their names are creative to say the least.

Matilda’s internal psychological evaluation of everyone she encounters cracked me up. The dialog is witty and thought out.

I love that each book's theme is consistent with a holiday and look forward to Unhoppy.

Complimentary copy provided in exchange for an honest review.
dlynch | 3 andere besprekingen | Apr 4, 2014 |
Psychologist Matilda Schmidt thinks she is having a psychotic break when the demigod Crixus, brings her a ticked off god of love, Cupid, to analyze. Crixus proclaims that she needs to fix Cupid, so he can get back to his job of making people fall in love. To top her day off, she is kidnapped by a Las Vegas hit man while Cupid is trapped inside her very large purse.

Unlovable: The Case Files of Dr. Matilda Schmidt, is a very entertaining book. The dialog and plot will keep you laughing. I just want to know how Cynthia St. Aubin came up with this stuff.

One thing that really stuck me was that Cynthia St. Aubin gives very thorough descriptions throughout the book. I was impressed with her attention to detail.

If you enjoy laughing, like mythology and paranormal romance, this book is for you.

ARC provided in exchange for an honest review.
dlynch | 4 andere besprekingen | Mar 11, 2014 |
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