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This publication qualifies as a periodical only because it kept to a regular publication schedule (a new issue every 3-5 months) and so is best described as a part-work.

What you get in this first edition is some glorious photography of trams in Belgium, starting with some scene-setting in the photographer's hometown of LiƩge, and then venturing out into the countryside to the south of Brussels to look at the network of the SNCV - the Vicinal - an extensive network of metre-gauge roadside trams that virtually linked everywhere in Belgium to everywhere else well into the 1960s, and indeed later in some areas.

Nearly all this issue has quality vintage colour photography from the 1960s up to 1993. Urban and rural scenes are fairly well covered, and I got a really good sense of what some of the villages of Belgium were like. I was reminded very much of the Derbyshire village where I went to school, so I got a lot out of this issue. I shall look for more issues of this publication in future.
RobertDay | Sep 25, 2022 |