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Deze bespreking was geschreven voorLibraryThing lid Weggevers.
A lot of people here seem to give a book 100 pages before quitting. I have never really needed to use something like that - I just pretty much finish all books I start...eventually.....

I was counting the pages left until 100 before I hit page 25. However, it got more interesting by about p.70, and I DID finish the book.

This book has two different stories going on in it. The story you start with envelops the other story. Essentially it is about how life on earth ends and how, somehow (we don't find out in this book - perhaps Volume II will tell us), all life will flower again on another planet.

I found the story-within-a-story to be more interesting; eventually I was just skimming the 'outer story.'

This book needs lots and lots of editing. I was constantly being thrown out of the book because of the writing. One of the major problems for me was the level of detail of the descriptions - they just went on and on, and were so detailed and technical as to eventually lose me completely and then I had no idea of what the object being described even looked like at all. The use of the word futuristic, especially when used to describe things in the future also threw me off. In the story within a story, something else I made note of was that during a gun battle, it seemed like every gun shot was followed with descriptions of splattered brain, bone and blood....The excessive level of detail in the descriptions was also tough to take when the end of the world was being described, all the dead and dying people.....

I'm giving it 1/2 a star. I compared it to other books I have given low ratings, and the writing is what really killed me with this one. If the book had a really good going over with respect to grammar and word choice, and lots of editing, it would move up, but just can't give it anymore.½
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LisaMorr | 9 andere besprekingen | Feb 10, 2010 |
Deze bespreking was geschreven voorLibraryThing lid Weggevers.
This was a free book from the author on LibraryThing. After reading this book, I found myself wanting more. There is a sequel, and a part three according to the author, and I can't wait to read the next installment. Anyone interested in virtual reality and a plausable scenario to Earth's "coming" demise, should add this to the top of your to-read list; it is one phenomenal book.
lupoman | 9 andere besprekingen | Feb 5, 2010 |
Unfortunately, I was unable to finish this book. It just couldn't keep my attention. The writing was sub-par and there were too many discrepancies with the real world to allow me to suspend belief for the science fiction sections. I think this book needs to be rewritten a few more times before it winds up on the shelves. The major tenet this author needs to follow is REWRITE! The story might go somewhere if the author spends more time on it. I really wanted to finish this book, and more than that, I really wanted to enjoy it. But its going to take a lot of work before it should grace bookshelves.
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malachitemoon | 9 andere besprekingen | Sep 7, 2009 |
Deze bespreking was geschreven voorLibraryThing lid Weggevers.
This book, for me, was difficult to get through. The story and ideas the author was trying to relay were great. But, I had a problem with all the pointless rather extensive descriptions of everything. It seemed like such extensive descriptions - instead of helping the reader get a clear visual idea of what the environment was like, it actually was too much information and thus the actual visuals are lost to the reader. It also took awhile for any true action to start....I would have prefered more action at the beginning with less description.

The author openly admits that he's never tried writing before and I appreciate the honesty. I think the story is well worth telling, but, it would do well to have quite a bit trimmed out of it.
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DelennDax7 | 9 andere besprekingen | Aug 24, 2009 |
Deze bespreking was geschreven voorLibraryThing lid Weggevers.
This book is a gem of a science fiction story. That's not all it is. It's a cry for the people of the world to wake up before they destroy the planet they live on. And it's a very realistic depiction of the holocaust and destruction that will take place if we continue on the present path. In this regard, it is truly frightening in its vivid and seemingly very realistic portrayal of current events escalating into apocalyptic proportions with the final outcome being an all too possible, human-wrought, Armageddon. The people that we follow in the story are living out a dream sequence, even as their physical beings are being stored in limbo onboard very elaborate space craft bound for a new planet to inhabit. They have been enroute for a thousand years, and are now just arriving at their destination. These "dreamers" who are to populate the new world, must first virtually live out a life on the Earth of a thousand years ago and the nightmare of the Armageddon that occurred then. The powers that be felt in this way, they would learn to respect their new world and all mankind would live in peace after they had seen for themselves what the stupidity of religious and racial hatred did to the Earth. How these "dreamers" were saved from the destruction of Earth is only hinted at, and is to be explained in detail in later volume(s).

The depiction of the strife that led to the Earth's destruction; as well as the portrayal of the advanced space traveling crew, "dreamers", futuristic equipment and gadgets, space craft full of specimens from the old world that were salvaged and are being transported to the new planet, holographic workers of all kinds, complete with elaborate costumes; and especially vivid descriptions of various modes of futuristic transport is awe-inspiring. I have read alot of science fiction books, and never has one painted such a vivid picture in my mind; as if a movie were playing in the background. This story just begs to be made into a movie--3D please!!!!

The foreword describes the eerie birth of this story; that alone is truly frightening. In it, the author also explains that he is not a writer, and is rather poor in English subjects, including spelling and tense; as mentioned by an English teacher he had originally asked to look over the manuscript. I appreciate his honesty and I must say, he is absolutely right. As far as English is concerned, this book would appear to be a pretty rough draft greatly in need of massive proofreading, spelling corrections and heavy editing. The tense issue is a prevalent one. Sentence structure is very poor, with long, run-on sentences full of ambiguity. Ordinarily, the problems mentioned in this paragraph would have turned me off of a book I was reading. I used to think that was the main reason I read; to experience elegant usage of the English language, which is truly an art form of its own. I've changed my mind after reading this book. The story that is told here, is worth it!

Library Thing and the author of this book have afforded me the opportunity to experience a book that I would not ordinarily have come across; and I would like to extend my thanks to them for their consideration. This book has enriched my imagination and also filled me with a new level of dread for the current state of affairs of this world we live in. Reading this book has truly been a unique and rewarding experience.
shirfire218 | 9 andere besprekingen | Aug 19, 2009 |
Deze bespreking was geschreven voorLibraryThing lid Weggevers.
The story opens with a group of space ships approaching a beautiful new planet, on the other side of the universe from Earth. We learn that on these ships are the last remnats of Earth's inhabitants- animals, plants, humans, and technology. Most of the humans on board of these ships are living in life cells, living a virtual life on Earth. They are learning Earth's Deathly HIstory. We learn that a terrorist group, called DOOMS-TEAM, has pummled America with nuclear weapons, and America along with her allies, has sent nuclear missels back. Now the whole world is destroyed in a WWIII. People are suffering from cancers and starvation, going mentally insane due to destruction. The book paints a bleak picture of a future Earth.
The beggining of this book, the introdction, was a wonderful addition. It really helped to set the mood for the story. I liked the way it let us get to know the history of the story and the author behind it. The plot of the story was not very original, but the presentaion made it fresh and new. The book was filled with details that made it clear the author had a percise vision. The describtion of destroyed Earth was truly terrifying, it especially brought a chill down my spine when describing NYC and Long Island destroyed, my home. The author really focused on the Midwest, where he is from, in descrbing the destruction, which was a little weird to someone not from there. It made it sound like the terrorists were trying to hit Detroit instead on of NYC or LA, which is a bit unrealistic. I found that although there were many details, there were only a few spots where the authour 'over-detailed', like at the Navy Seal Operation Sea Otter. The author showed many different perspectives, that showed a new part of the story each time. You really got to know the characters and feel for their struggle, this was made more interesting by the array of characters (from an albino Navy Seal to a Middle Easter heart surgeon). The plot kept many secrets and surprises, even after the end. I look forward to part two in The Great Ship og Knowledge trilogy.
mdtwilighter | 9 andere besprekingen | Jul 26, 2009 |
Deze bespreking was geschreven voorLibraryThing lid Weggevers.
Truly imaginative and a work of genius. I could not put this book down! The fictitious world suffering from nuclear holocaust is so realistic that it is almost terrifying. The depictions and cruelty outlined in this magnificent piece are enough that if everyone were to read this book, there is not a doubt in my mind that, world peace would finally envelope the Earth.

Yet, with all the destruction, cruelty, disease, and pain in this book there is a lighter, hope-filled side to this story that is just as enveloping, if not more. This story is also filled with mystery, adventure, romance, sci-fi, and history with plenty of twists and turns to keep any read glued to the pages.
bleached | 9 andere besprekingen | Jul 7, 2009 |
Deze bespreking was geschreven voorLibraryThing lid Weggevers.
I hated the first 200 pages of the book. It was boring for the first hundred, then exciting, then boring again until the second part. I thought that the author's style of writing needed much improvement. He was very descriptive...way too descriptive, and his grammar, sentence structure, and, at times, repetitive vocabulary made the first part of the book a drag to read. After that, however, the book got far more interesting and I very much enjoyed it. I can't wait to read the next books in the trilogy as they are published.½
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SusieBookworm | 9 andere besprekingen | Jul 5, 2009 |
Deze bespreking was geschreven voorLibraryThing lid Weggevers.
Okay, so I don't really know what to say. I am a book snob, I want brain candy, if I'm not hooked by page fifty I stop reading. I like many different genres and feel this one covers many. I litterally couldn't put it down. I finished it in one day it was so good.
It has a little of everything romance, suspense, humor, and sci fi. The story flows in such a way that you get pieces of people's lives as you read a very realistic description of the end of the world. You find yourself surrounded by the events the author describes as if you are really there. I almost forgot I was reading fiction the images were so real. To me, that makes this a wonderful book and awesome brain candy.
Then when it seems like things can't get any worse for the world, you're in the future in a fleet of spaceships. As the characters are awakened they learn it was all a dream and that their job is to populate a new planet. Slowly you meet some of the people who populated the world as it the ended. As they awaken to their new bodies and surroundings you can feel a kind of tension build inside you. The better everything looks for the dreamers the more you get a feeling that something is off.
This book is the first in a series and I can't wait to learn how my favorite characters make out and what the catch is. Because for some reason I think there is one. Just like the characters I want to know what the GREAT SHIP OF KNOWLEDGE has to say. How did the fleet come about? Who made it? And most important what happens next?
This book is a definite read and it ends with just the right note of suspense, leaving the reader wanting more.
KittyKat0400 | 9 andere besprekingen | Jun 28, 2009 |
Deze bespreking is geschreven door de auteur.
Please check out the second-edition to Learning Earth's Deathly History, published in 2021. Do not confuse it with the first-edition published in 2009. The second-edition took me 13 years to complete. It is by far my best work. The story is refined, polished, and professionally edited. There’s night and day difference between the two. Over 60 reviews are currently posted on amazon to the second-edition. ISBN-13: 979-8714112522 If it doesn't have shark-shaped starships on the cover it's the wrong edition. I find it unfortunate that librarything would lump in reviews from my 2009 edition with this book. Ugh.




If you believe in the Simulation Theory that our universe is a hologram, a virtual reality, then this speculative fiction, high-octane adventure is for you!

In the future, people no longer read books to learn about the past. Instead, they experience history by virtually living through the historic times like they were actually there when the monumental events played out.

But the future is here and we are Learning Earth's Deathly History! Our spirits are immersed in a virtual reality built to perfectly simulate life on Earth in the early 21st century. We are here learning the cataclysmic mistakes of humankind that ultimately destroyed Earth.

Part-One: The Journey Ends, sets the stage for Learning Earth's Deathly History. Our incredible reality is explained including the mighty armada of starships where our factual bodies are kept in individual life-cells.

In Part-Two: Learning Earth's Deathly History, we tragically witness the horrors of World War III including the unholy post-apocalyptic nightmare that follows. The virtual reality history lesson eerily mirrors current events happening in our ideologically divided world. Maybe that is why this scenario, which cascades overnight into a full-on nuclear world war, is so believable. No other story paints such horrific suffering and disturbing post-apocalyptic scenery of the last war of humanity.

In Part-Three: The Awakenings Begin, our virtual reality history lesson ends when we Dreamers are spiritually awakened only to discover we have never actually lived on Earth, nor are we anywhere near the dead planet. Even more amazing, we discover we were born and living in massive starships parked a thousand light-years from Earth. Once awakened, get ready to take an adrenaline pumping thrill ride into outer space to tour the fleet of Great Ships before arriving at Grand Cosmic Station!

Learning Earth's Deathly History, is a virtual reality, post-apocalyptic, sci-fi journey unlike anything you've ever read or watched!
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William_Bailey | 9 andere besprekingen | Nov 20, 2023 |
Toon 10 van 10